Chapter Six- An Old Soul I

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When Hadrian woke, it was to an unfamiliar space the first thing he noticed being; he was warm and in a bed, the second was that he felt safe, protected almost and though he knew what the feeling was like, it had been so long that he had went without it that it felt foreign.

Blinking his sleep away, he pulled the blanket away so that he could sit upright and get a better get a better grasp on what or where he was.

Trying to remember was like sifting through a haze but from what he did know was that his trauma at the hands of-

-well everything really that happened caused him to have a panic attack and he ran from his old friends.

Friends that were cold and clearly didn't like or want him there, not that they will have to worry he won't talk to them anymore and he will try to avoid them as much as possible because he knows if he had to face that again it would hurt more than he already has been.

Softly he felt movement shift next to him and he felt his body stiffen, his blood ran cold.

-I'm not at the Dursley's, I'm not at the Dursley's, I'm not at the Dursley's- He found himself repeating over and over in his head like a mantra trying to calm himself down so that he didn't have another panic attack.

Gaining some of whatever poor Griffindore courage he had left, he took it to glancing at whoever he shared the bed with.

What or should he say who was with him made his heart stop beating, it felt as though time had simply frozen in that moment and he was back in the past. It didn't prevent him from the cold shiver or the threatening tears that he tried and failed to hold back or the memories of a lifetime ago to resurface and so he ran out of there.

Funnily enough he found himself hiding in a dark corner of the library that had appeared untouched by any semblance of life at least that was what he gathered from thick layering of dust, wandlessly he cleaned everything there curling on his side on the comfortable arm chair with his back facing out so he didn't have to see anyone.

Tom was startled awake by the slamming of the door. He caught himself trying to feel for the young boy that was next to him but what he felt and saw when he looked was nothing sitting upright he realised that the boy had probably gotten frightened again and ran off.

"Bollocks" he said harshly to the quiet, casting a tempest to check the time to see that it was six in the morning.

Sighing he got up to cast a point me only for it his wand to spin in a circle before dropping.

Now what was he to do, frustratingly he rubbed his face harshly before changing and running out the door.

His first thought was to check the wards to make sure the boy hadn't left before gathering his friends to help search for the child.

Unfortunately after multiple hours they still hadn't found the boy and he was being to grow concerned and he wasn't the only one.

"It's like he's just vanished and we've checked everywhere" Corvus said lightly though his voice faulted a bit.

"Well the boy can't have left we would have felt the wards shift" Abraxas said softly leaning forward so his body was being supported by the wall.

"Has anyone checked the library?" Orion asked his voice coming out slightly strained.

"But it's warded to keep everyone out well except us, our children and our grandchildren" Abraxas informed them, looking up from the wall.

"What if the wards registered him as someone else?" Tom said feeling unsure of how to say what Nargini told him the day prior.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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