~There called the AES~

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"It was about time for me to head back to the headquarters anyways...." I whispered to myself reaching in my pocket for my phone.

—————————-Akito's pov

I opened my phone and dialed the AES.../Ring ring ring/ "Hello?" The voice answered. "This is number 12 in currently unaware of my location...and a need a portal to head back to headquarters" 

..."Okay the portal should be opening up soon" /Click/ I sighed and looked around the room for any type of paper...just old news papers... 

"eh that will work" I walked over to the news papers and picked one up.... "Now a pen" I said looking around the room, I walked over to the desk and opened the little drawer. 

I shifted the items in the desk around and grabbed a pencil and wrote on the news papers "Thank you again for helping me but I must be going"

 I sat the paper on the table. Then a purple circle appeared behind me.. "That's my ride I whispered to myself and made sure I had everything before stepping through the portal.

—————————Akumas pov

I was just laying on my bed so I decided to go see what Akito was doing and if she wanted to leave yet...I opened my door and made my way down the hallway I stopped in front of the door and heard


Sounds so I opened the door.."THE FUCK?!" There was this purple thing right in the middle of the room and someone went through it...

I opened the door all the way and ran inside the room and stared at the purple thing... "What is this...." I questioned myself before I finally built the courage to step through... 

Everything was dizzy for a second, but then when I was able to flutter my eyes open I saw people in all kinds of weird outfits running back-and-forth. 

There were multiple rooms...it almost looked like a school or an office?...

Besides the fact that some people were flying or even opening more of those purple things...like a lost puppy I started to walk around, which probably wasn't the best idea but whatever..

People were fighting each other on what looked to be battlegrounds....I continued to explore, but then I saw someone knew.... 

"AKITO!" I yelled, running towards her, waving my hands in the air.... "What is this place!?" I stoped right in front of her "Is this some kind of weird cu-"

——————————Akitos pov

I threw my hands over Akumas mouth...We were already getting so many looks from all of the other workers here..

 "What are you doing here!?" I quietly yelled at the girl, taking my hands off of her mouth "Your not supposed to be here!" I gave the girl a glare...

 "We both could get in trouble! You need to leave now!"... "Not until you tell me what this is!" I grabbed the girls hand and wondered up before we got way too many looks...

 "This place is the Akuryō Extermination System or the AES for short"... "We go around and kill monsters.." "That sounds cool!" The girl said to me 

"No it's not! Plus you need to leave before the Ten Kanpeki know you're here!"

I stoped and let go of her hand.. "Come on let me join your weird cult...I have nothing better to do anyways!" Akuma said to me with a slight smile...

 God wanted to punch her, but I took a deep breath and gave a dead glare at her... "No." 

"WHY NOTTT" I slammed my hand into her mouth again...

"SHUT UP BEFORE YOU GET US BOTH CAUGHT" "Then you stop yel—" before Akuma could finish she fell to the floor "Too late for not getting caught number 12~" A voice behind me said.

"Fuck-" The last thing I saw was Akuma on the ground all I could think was "Your so stupid..." After that is was black out...


It's literally midnight sooo if there's any mistakes on grammar etc. please tell me so I can fix it! Ilysm have a great day/night my sweet Notes 

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