07: mini date with her

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paige's POV

once i made it back to my dorm, nika, ice, and kk were all there. and of course, they had a shit ton of questions to ask.

"where have you been?" ice asked.

"with zeynep." i calmly answered despite the pressure radiating off the three girls in front of me.

"that explains a lot." nika said as she put emphasis on 'that'.

"i've been known that they're a little thing." kk said as she smiled.

"we're just talking." i said as i rolled my eyes at kk.

"SO Y'ALL PUT A NAME ON IT?" kk asked, her eyes wide in shock.

"yes, now i have to shower, bye y'all!" i quickly said as i went to the bathroom for a shower, also to avoid a billion questions they would ask.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

zeynep's POV

a couple of weeks had passed since paige and i had started talking, it was all going very well. talking to paige was so easy now, but i was a little bummed that paige and i weren't able to hang out much due to the fact that i was studying for finals. most people in college didn't care for their grades as long as they were passing, but as a pre-med i needed impressive grades in the most challenging courses to get into a med school as most med schools had acceptance rates below %10.

i was studying for organic chemistry when i heard a ding sound from my phone. i tried to tell myself to ignore the notification and keep studying but my curiosity got the best of me.

it was a message from paige.

paige :)
hi baby

paige :)
do you wanna go get ice
cream at around 7?

paige :)
we'll go just the two
of us

omg yes.

i need it after all this studying
for organic chem 🫠

after studying the last bit of the content, i began getting ready to get ice cream with paige. after i finished getting ready, i let paige know i was ready and she came to my dorm. she walked all the way upstairs to greet me and walked downstairs with me to her car. bare minimum or not, i still thought it was very cute of her. 

paige was usually very chill but there were some moments where i could notice her nervousness which never failed to make me smile. 

"you look very pretty." paige said as she glanced at me before she began driving. 

my hair was in two dutch braids, i was wearing some flare leggings, and an off-shoulder shirt. 

"no i don't, but thank you." i said as i felt myself blush. 

"nope, you're my pretty girl." paige responded as she continued driving. 

i genuinely had no clue how to respond to that. 

"you're just trying to make me blush now." i complained as i looked out the window to hide my reddened face from her. 

this earned a chuckle from paige. "connect to the aux and play something to make us wake up, i can tell you're sleepy." the blonde said. 

i happily obliged and 

something about the way paige drove was so attractive to me. 

i chose to play looking for the hoes by sexyy red. at first, i listened to her songs as a joke, but it wasn't even a joke anymore. paige laughed at my song choice then turned up the volume. 

"I'M LOOKING FOR THE HOES!"i sang along with my favorite part of the song. 

paige lowered the volume and before i could get a chance to whine about why shelowered the volume, she started talking. 

"what do you mean by 'i'm looking for the hoes'?" paige asked as she stopped at a red light and stared at me. 

"no way you're questioning that, it's just lyrics p!" i replied as i stared back at her with my arms crossed over my chest. 

"alright, sure." she diverted her attention back to the road and stepped on the gas, catching me off guard. 

after we finally made it to the ice cream shop, we got our ice creams and paige refused to let me pay. after we left the shop, we sat in her car for a bit as we chat and ate our ice cream. 

"have you ever been in a relationship?" paige asked. 

"in my first year and the beginning of my second year of high school, i had a bunch of talking stages with guys. they never lasted long enough for us to date, i always got icked out. then, towards the end of my second year, i realized it was because i wasn't really into boys. i didn't really have anything romantic going on for me ever since then. what about you?" 

"i was head over heels for this girl in high school but she went to a different college and said she didn't want to deal with long distance. it felt like we never properly ended things but i'm over it now" she explained. 

something in my gut told me i needed to worry about that girl. 

a/n: kind of a filler chapter but next chapter will be way more interesting. i love y'all please remember to vote! <3

lessons on love- paige bueckersWhere stories live. Discover now