Chapter 2

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"I cant believe I let you talk me into this."

"Oh come on it'll be fun."

Monty and Charles had just arrived at Kevin and Kermit's ceremony. They are supposed to be achieving a higher place in the church, whatever that meant.

They were in a tall white room, that resembled your typical church if it was entirely white. With big lights in the ceiling, and a stage in the middle of the room surrounded by chairs.

"I think watching your friends get more indoctrinated into a cult is the opposite of fun."

"Well we won't watch then."

"What do you mean?"

"Look." Charles was pointing down a long hallway to their left with many doors. Probably locked.

"No. No way are we doing that."

"What, why not?"

"Because we don't know what's back there and we might get caught."

"Fine, you can stay here but I am going down that hallway."

Charles started walking excitedly towards the hallway. Monty was contemplating on what to do.

If he went with Charles they might get caught and miss Kermit and Kevin's ceremony. But nobody was looking and they had 30 minutes before that started. So he decided to go.

"Hey wait up Charles!"

"Finally. I was wondering how long it would take you to change your mind."

"Yeah yeah, let's be quick though. I don't wanna miss their ceremony."

"I thought you didn't agree with it."

"I don't but, they're still our friends and we should support them."

"Okay, we'll be quick."

"Thank you"

"It's my pleasure." Charles did a sarcastic bow towards Monty. Monty let out a soft chuckle.

"Alright let's go."

They started walking further down the hallway, passing doors of various size and color. When finally they came to a door that was unlike all the others. It was normal. And you needed a keycard to get in. It was the only one that was locked like this. They found it to be suspicious.

"We should try and break in." Charles suggested.

"What? No way. If the door is locked then it must be for a reason, and it might have an alarm."

"Maybe an alarm would go off if we didn't have this." Charles pulled out a keycard.

"What! When did you get that?"

"I snagged it off of some weirdo while you were decided weather or not to follow me."

"Well then I guess we are explorers and thief's."

"Womp womp. Let's open the door."

Charles taps the keycard against the black box beside the door. And it opens with a beep. They opened the door. And they couldn't believe what they saw.

The geese are trying to kill us.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن