Little Intro

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Hi! My name is Chess and this is my new book! I'm excited because I like this! (a bit so far)

I plan on making this not that long. BUT it will have a good ending and somewhat good plot. Loves, Chess

BACKGROUND: So, I wrote this story on April 6th around 8pm. I got this idea and thought, what a great idea!, so I wrote it down so I wouldn't forget abt it. I got the idea when writing for another book. I couldn't lose the idea. I have other books that are in progress but I just thought to pu list this one bc "The Incident" is currently on a little break bc I'm still on the Court chapters and I got writers block. ToT ANYWAYS! The other books I have been writing are all on some conflict and I couldn't find the motivation to finish the chapter and move on. That's 1 of the reasons I chose this. another reason is that I enjoy writing this. it's not like my other ones.
I'll try to update every Tuesday and Thursday!
Hope u enjoy this too! Loves, Chess


[M] Michael Berry; 23
[O] Ophelia Berry; 25 (Mike's cousin)
[E] Emily Berry; 20 (sis)
[R] Reion Berry; 27 (bro)

[B] Benjamin Scott; 24
[I] Irene Scott; 18 (sis)
[D] Docsin Scott; 22 (bro)

[V] Veronica Tyler; 20 (Benjamin's gf)
Rin Tyler; 22

Imy Emerald; 21 (Mike's ex)
[H] Henry Emerald; 28

[T] Tilly Gray; 23
[N] Nivo Gray; 21 (Rins friend)

[G] Geramy Newman; 24 (Ben's friend)

Jen Rio; 20 (Veronica's friend)

[N] Nila Hyde; 26 (Ophelia's friend)
[J] Jirjin Hyde; 23 (Mike's friend)

[K] Kelly Jer; 23
[P] Percy Jer; 26

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