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B: Oh, anyway how old are you?
M: 23, you?
B: 24
M: Oh really? you look atleast 27 with the way you're dressed up right now!
B:shut up.
M: Make me~
B: whatever *rolls eyes*

M: I mean, jeans with that top? you do look atleast older than you are
B: And you look like you're 15
M: Hey, that's a compliment! You're saying I look young <3
B: No it's not, you won't get a job like that
M: Umm for your information, I already have a job
B: Of what?
M: a.... an assistant
B: To who?
M: Rin Tyler
B: Tyler!
M: yeah, you know him?
B: Well. yeah. I'm dating his sister.
M: REALLY?! I thought she was.... nevermind..
B: She was what?
M: I thought she was dating this guy called Nivo..
B: Nivo? Who the fuck is that?
M: Some guy who's friends with Rin.
B: No because she was always being so secretive about her phone to me and Rin... And then this other time, she got a message and I read the name 'Niv'. I told her and she snatched it from me. She later said it was her 'cousin' who needed help proposing to his girlfriend and didn't want her to tell anyone
M: That sounds like.... they are planning to do something..
B: yeah.. you know what.. can you come to my place with me at 6?
M: For what?
B: She said that her 'cousin' was gonna come to the house today at 6 and to not go there because they're setting up a proposal for his 'girlfriend' sooo I'm thinking to crash it and finding out if she's lying or not. You in?
M: hell yeah!!
B: cool because there's 10 minutes left, lets go!

They end up going to Benjamin's car and go to his house. The sun was starting to set and they soon arrived to his house but he parked 2 houses down to his neighbor who he was close with.

B: ok so, we'll go to the back and open the door. We'll stop at the kitchen and listen $or anything. Got it?
M: *sigh* yeah...

They go through the back door and stand in the kitchen.  They hear moans coming from Ben's room which he shared with Veronica.

B: (He stares at Mike looking into his eyes)
M: *whispers* I'm sorry.....
B: *whispers back* why? you did nothing wrong. Even if you didn't tell me I would've found out either way.
M: ** I know but... im still sorry...
B: ** Well, should we?
M: ** Should we what?
B: **close the door and act drunk, and pretend to have fun?
M: ** why pretend to be drunk, (He pulls out tiny bottles from his bag)  when you can be?
B: *smiles* **why do you carry tiny bottles of it in your bag?
M: **because I can (He sticks out his tongue)
B: (He laughs) <cute>

They drink but Benjamin only drank 2 while Michael drank 5

M: Holy shit bro, I feel like I'm 'bouta pass out
B: No... you cant....
M: anyone tell you that your fucking handsome as hell?
B: Yeah, but not the way you said it (He gets close to Michael's face)
B: even though I'm not drunk, and I'm not really into guys, you look quite cute~
M: mmm so if I'm cute, why don't you fucking kiss me~ (He puts his hands around Ben's neck)

Benjamin then kissed Michael and he kissed back
Benjamin then moves onto his neck and Michael starts moaning

B: keep moaning for me baby~
M: *moans*
B: how about even louder?

Michael then starts moaning louder and Veronica and Nivo come downstairs and to Veronica's horror, she sees Benjamin kissing Michael and him enjoying it

B: (He kissing Mike and turns around to face her) What? you were over there getting laid by that pr!ck Nivo
M: Well guess what? I'm getting laid by him tonight so get the fuck out of the house with him (points to Nivo) and get laid somewhere else because Ben's over with you
V: WHATEVER! come on Niv. Let's go

Veronica and Nivo end up leaving and Benjamin lays his head on Mike's shoulder

B: thanks but, can I really fuck you?
M: yeah~ it's gonna be my first time getting laid and you're very hot so~ whats there not to get fucked?
B: Okay but we'll do it here in the living room, okay?
M: okay~

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