chapter 6

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Edd was upset, and the shorts he had to wear to fit into this dress were way way too tight. He didn't think about where he was actually going, just that he was letting Eduardo down by letting him talk to Laurel.

But why did he care so much in the first place? So what if Eduardo gets back into his unhealthy relationship, it had nothing to do with Edd! It was just like how he felt when their house got destroyed, but he didn't know why.

Lost in thought, he was sort of startled by the DJ suddenly saying "and now, everybody give it up for Mrs AND Mrs AKERMAN!!" It was time for the first dance.

The door right in front of Edd opened revealing Kim and Katya in their gorgeous dresses, Edd being caught in the spotlight as well and running right into Kim, falling, and knocking her down as well.

The people gasped as he frantically got up- even though the stupid short hurt so fucking bad when he bent his legs, and tried to help her up. He could hear Tom laughing from somewhere in the crowd.

He blushed deeply and gave a nervous chuckle as he pulled her up "S-sorry!" Kat looked very angry, but Kim just smiled and told him it was ok, but to go sit down.

Laurel looked at Eduardo, both seeming very surprised by the whole display.
"So... Edd?"
He nodded some "Yeah, he's uh, great." His expression softened slight as he relaxed a little "I mean, fantastic really" he even smiled a little, cheeks going a light pink.

"Yeah? Are you guys like... Serious then?" She asked, seeming almost hopeful, but for what?

Again the taller nodded "I mean yeah, we are actually. We uh, live together" he chuckled a bit and Laurel's eyes widened slightly "really?"
"Yep." He nodded "I mean, separate bedrooms, but we share a bathroom, so that's something"

fizzy drinks and hand holding ((A cola losers Eddsworld story))Where stories live. Discover now