Wisdom Teeth Pt1

362 8 9

(Regressed Nick)

Location: LA

Nick- 2 years old

Matt's POV:
Today Nick is getting his wisdom teeth out. The only thing is, is that he is regressed to 2 years old. His dentist does know about his regression, so they do know what to expect and how to help him.

It is currently 8:30am and Nick's appointment is at 10:00am. I need to give him a bath and then get him dressed. We did have to cut his food and drinks time off so the anesthesia can work. I walk down to Chris' room to wake him up.

I knock on the door and then wait for an answer. I knock again and then I hear a faint 'come in'. I walk in the door and start to wake Chris up. "Chris we have to come on and get ready. Nick's wisdom teeth appointment is at 10am and it's 8:35am right now." I state.

"Alright. I'm up now." Chris replies. He sits up in bed and stretches before going to his bathroom to get ready. "Do you want to come with me to wake Nick up?" I ask him as he brushes his teeth. "Yeah. Here I come." Chris said.

"Okay. I am going to go and brush my teeth and then I will meet you in the living room." I tell him. "Alright." Chris replied before I walked back to my room. I finished brushing my teeth and then I walked into the living room to see Chris waiting for me.

Chris was already dressed and ready. "Okay come on." I say. "Okay." Chris said before standing up. We walk to the nursery to see Nick laying on his back, in a starfish position, with his pacifier in his mouth.

His hair is all over his head, blanket on the far right side of the crib, bottle at the top  right of the crib, and another pacifier in the top left corner. Chris walked up to Nick's crib and gently started to rub his stomach to wake him up.

"Mmm." Nick whined a bit. "Come on bubba. It's time to get up." Chris said quietly. I walk over to the crib. "Good morning bubba." I say. Nick eyes flutter open. His blue innocent eyes meet mine and Chris'.

As soon as Nick see's us he immediately smiles. "There's the smile that I love to see!" Chris said while picking Nick up. "Okay baby, we have to go and take a bath." I say. "No wanna." Nick whined. "I know baby, but we have to so we aren't stinky for the dentist." I say.

"Papa 'ell dada no no." Nick said while shaking his finger at me. "Why am I telling dada no no?" Chris asked Nick. "No 'ake baf." Nick stated like it was obvious. "Ohhh. I'm sorry. But, dada is right. You have to take a bath." Chris said.

Nick didn't like that answer. Nick pouted and plopped his head onto Chris' shoulder. "It's going to be okay." Chris said while rubbing his back. "I'm going to go ahead and get his bath started." I say. "Okay sounds good." Chris replies.

I get Nick's bath going and then call Chris and Nick into the bathroom. They walk in and then I let Chris give Nick his bath. While they are doing that I go and pack Nick's diaper bag.

Chris' POV:
I am giving Nick a bath right now and he seems to be really worried about his dentist appointment. Even though he is just babbling more than talking, I can tell that he is nervous. "Papa no no 'eeth." Nick said. "I know baby, but your teeth are making your mouth owie." I say trying to reason with him.

"No no 'urt." Nick whined. "The dentist will be nice. They will make your owies feel better." I tell him. "No no owie?" He questions with his head tilted. "No more owies bubba." I tell him. "Otay papa." He replies.

I finish getting Nick cleaned up and then I get him out of the bath. I dry him off, put lotion on him, and then put a diaper on him. "Alright let's put you in something comfortable." I tell him as I look in his closet.

I pick out a black shirt, some grey sweatpants, some white socks, and his black and white converse. I get him all dressed and then I comb his hair before walking to the kitchen. When we get there I see Matt making two bottles.

"We are all ready to go." I tell Matt. "Okay. I just got done packing his bag and I am dressed and ready to go as well." Matt replied after taking the bottles out of the bottle warmers. "Okay I have the keys and the bag. Let's go." Matt said before walking to the garage.

I get Nick buckled into his car seat and then I sit in the back with him to keep him calm. The dentist office is only 20 minutes away and we are doing good with time. Nick is sucking on his pacifier while cuddling his stuffed elephant.

Not too long after, we arrive at the dentist office. Nick is asleep which might be good. I get out of the car and get Nick out of his seat, while Matt gets the diaper bag and locks the car. We walk into the office and check Nick in.

Nick stays asleep this whole time. About 10 minutes pass and then Nick is called to the back. We are allowed to go with him so they can put him to sleep, but then we have to leave and go and wait in the waiting room.

I lay on the chair with Nick in my lap, while Matt is sitting on the bench next to us. Soon, the doctor comes in and walks us through everything and what is going to happen. After a little while, it is time for Nick to get the IV.

Nick is still asleep, but I can tell that he is about to wake up soon. I know that this IV is probably going to make him scream and cry, but he needs these teeth out. The doctor wipes Nick's arm down with a cold alcohol wipe, which makes Nick whine.

"Shhh. You're okay bubba." I whisper. Matt walks over to be closer and watch. "I'm scared for him Matt." I tell Matt. "I know, but we have to be strong for Nick." He replies. He right though. The doctor carefully injects the IV into Nick's arm.

Nick then proceeds to let out the loudest scream ever. I feel really bad for having to hold him down. The doctor starts the IV and then let's us know that Nick should be feeling sleepy soon. I tried to calm Nick down, but it wasn't working, so now Matt is trying.

Matt is holding Nick and rocking him back and forth. About 5 minutes pass before I see Nick struggling to keep his eyes open. "Nick baby, just go night night." I tell him. And with that he closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep.

The doctor then instructs Matt and I to go back to the waiting room and then he will come and get us when they are done with Nick's procedure.

To be continued.

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