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(Regressed Matt)

Matt-1 and a half years old

Location: LA

Chris' POV:
When I wake up I see that the Sun is up and shining through my curtains. I turn over and look at the clock and see that it is 12pm. I only slept in because Matt regressed last night and he kept waking up. And I didn't want to wake Nick up, so I just took care of Matt myself.

I sit up and stretch before I hear little footsteps approach my door. Then there is a very tiny knock and a giggle. I smile. I get up and gently open my door, so I won't startle Matt. As I open the door I see Matt and Nick standing there.

"Hey bubs!" I greet him while picking him up. I give him some kisses all over his face as he wiggles in my arms. "Dada 'top!" He says while laughing. "Okay, okay, I'll stop." I say while smiling at him.

"Hey Nick." I greet my other brother. "Hey Chris." He replies. "Why are you guys down here?" I question. "Well, Matt here decided to be extra and start pouting because I told him to let his dada sleep." Nick says. "Ohhhh." I reply.

"You were acting for Papa?" I ask Matt. "No act dada." Matt says while hiding his face in my neck. "Uh huh." I say fully knowing that he probably is lying. "Okay well dada is going to brush his teeth and then potty. Go back with papa and then I will meet you guys upstairs." I say.

"Otay dada. No 'ake long!" Matt says while pointing his little finger at me. "Okay I won't boss." I reply before handing him to Nick. Nick grabs him and then heads back upstairs. I go to my bathroom and get ready and then head upstairs.

"Your breakfast is on the table." Nick says as he sits on the couch. Matt runs up to Nick and climbs onto his lap. Or at least he tries. "Bubba let papa help you." I say. "I 'ot it." Matt says while Nick just waits for Matt to asks for help.

I go and sit next to Nick on the couch. "Papa 'elp p'ease." Matt says while grunting. "Okay baby come here." Nick says while picking Matt up and then placing him on his lap. We watch Paw Patrol with Matt for a little bit before Matt decides that he wants to play.

I bring some of his toys to the living room and place them on the floor. "Okay you can play now bubba." I state. Matt gets down from Nick's lap and then goes to play with his toys. "Dada I wan paci p'ease." Matt says while not taking his eyes off of what he playing with.

I go to the nursery and get his pacifier and then go back to the living room. "Here bubba." I state as I hold out his pacifier for him. "Tank ou dada." Matt thanks me. "You're welcome bubs." I reply.

About an hour passes and it is time for Matt to have lunch and then a little bit after that he is going to need a nap. "Okay bubba are you ready for lunch?" I ask him. "No 'ungwy dada." He says while still playing.

"Bubs you need to listen. You have to eat." Nick chimes in. "No papa no eat." Matt says. "Do you want mac and cheese?" Nick asks him. "Nuh uh." He states while shaking his head. "How about PB and J?" I ask him. "No dada. No eat." He states again.

"Okay how about a bottle?" I ask him. "No dada! No wan eat eat!" Matt says while hitting the ground. "I think he is going to need an early n-a-p." I say as I spell out the last part. "I agree." Nick states. "You sure you don't want a warm baba baby?" Nick says in a softer tone.

"Otay papa." Matt says. "Okay baby I am going to go make your warm baba." I state. "Otay dada." Matt says. I go to the kitchen and start making Matt's bottle. As I am making Matt's bottle, I hear him whining. "Nick is he okay?" I ask. "Yeah, he is just sleepy." Nick says.

"No I not!" Matt yells as he kicks his legs out and hits the floor. Nick and I share a look. "Matt baby don't yell. It's not nice." I say. "Sowwy dada." Matt replied. "You're forgiven." I state before taking his bottle out of the bottle warmer.

"Bubba do you want to cuddle?" Nick asks him. "Es p'ease." Matt said before getting up. He rolls onto his knees, pushes himself up with his butt in the air, and then he toddles over to Nick. Nick picks him up and places him in his lap.

Matt cuddles close to Nick. "Here Nick. It's not too warm." I state as I hand Nick, Matt's bottle. "Thank you." Nick says. "No problem." I reply. "Here is your bottle bubba." Nick said while rubbing the nipple of the bottle against Matt's lips.

Matt instantly latches on and suckles hungrily. "I thought he wasn't hungry." I whisper to Nick. Nick just laughs a little. After about ten minutes, Matt is done with his bottle, but still has it in his mouth. He looks like he is about to fall asleep.

Nick gently takes the bottle out of Matt's mouth, only to startle Matt, which caused Matt to root around for the bottle. "It's all gone baby." I state. Well, Matt doesn't like that answer. He starts crying and kicking his legs out. "Shhh." Nick tries to rock him. It doesn't work.

Nick then stands up and re-adjusts Matt so that Matt's head is laying on his shoulder. Nick pats his back while humming a song to Matt. This still doesn't calm Matt down. "Try and find his pacifier." Nick states.

"Okay." I reply. I get up and walk over to Matt's toys, looking through them to see if he dropped his pacifier in there. He didn't. I checked three times and still didn't find it. Matt's cries were now screams. Nick is also looking around while still trying to calm Matt down.

I looked up under the couch and didn't see the pacifier. I looked in the kitchen, pantry, and even the laundry room and still couldn't find it. While I was looking for Matt's pacifier, Nick decided to go ahead and change his diaper, since Matt had tired himself out.

All of a sudden Nick called me. I got to the living room and Nick was standing there with Matt's pacifier in his hand. "Where was it?!" I asked out of breath. "In his diaper." Nick said while shaking his head. "Oh my gosh." I state before plopping down on the couch.

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