Chapter 11: Take Me Back to Eden

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23:00 hours
Kingdom of Necrus

After a few hours, the festivities started to die down. Many of the people had full bellies, and were drunk. Cora sighed, shifting in her chair. She stood up, running her fingers across the intricacies of the throne, digging her nails into the chiseled wood. It was strange, having a throne, being a queen.

She started to walk through the halls, slowly looking at all of the pictures on the walls. She looked out the windows, watching the fish swimming by. Ceto swam by, her beautiful olive skin shimmering in the light. She swam with Phorcys, their bodies twisting together in harmony. Cora smiled, watching her enjoy her company. Her dress drifted around her legs, brushing her skin.

She continued on, her heels clicking softly against the floor. She reached her room, sighing, exhausted from the festivities. She started pulling pins from her hair, removing her crown, setting it on her vanity. She pulled her hair free, letting the current spread her raven curls around her shoulders. Her bangs fell across her forehead, curling gently around her eyes. She unzipped her knee-high boots, pulling them off, setting them to the side. She stood, staring into the mirror, dragging her eyes along her body, biting her lip while losing herself in thought.

A soft knock came from behind her, and startled her out of her thoughts. She turned to see Orm standing in the doorway, a gentle smile on his lips. His suit shimmered in the moonlight, casting a deep purple kaleidoscope across her floor. His hair was tousled, not staying in the clip it was pulled back in.

"Orm," she said gently, happiness lacing her voice "What are you doing here?"

"Everyone left," he mused, "I figured I would see how you were doing before I went to my chambers."

She nodded, her brows furrowing, and she looked back into the mirror. She dragged her hands across her corset, smoothing the fabric, biting her lip again. Orm crossed the floor, standing behind her, and his gaze brought a pink glow to her cheeks.

"What are you thinking about?" He whispered, leaning beside her. His breath hit her neck, warm and comforting, and it sent a shiver down her spine.

"What if I'm not a good queen?" She asked, "I'm scared I won't be able to keep the kingdom alive."

"Don't think like that," he said, placing his hands on her shoulders, "You brought this entire civilization back from death, Cora. If someone can do that, they have every right to lead. And besides, you care so deeply, if you had to leave, would you?"

His words rung in her mind. He was right, it was her duty to fulfill. She clawed her way through death and reincarnation to be here, she was going to finish the job.

"This is what you're meant for, Cora. This is your destiny." He whispered, squeezing her shoulders gently.

She turned to meet his gaze, "Thank you, Orm."

He smiled and nodded gently, "Always."

She looked up into his eyes, and he gently rubbed his thumb across her shoulder, drifting across her collarbone. She tilted her neck ever so slightly, catching her breath as his thumb drifted across it. Her skin burned as his eyes slowly grazed across her olive skin, taking in every piece of her.

"That dress really suits you," he whispered, breaking the silence. Her words failed her, and she wrapped her arms around her chest, flustered.

He gently took her hands, looking into her eyes asking permission to, and she obliged.

"Don't cover yourself," he murmured, lifting her chin with his finger, "Your beauty is something to be beheld, not hidden."

She gently dug her nails into his arms, as he leaned down closer to her. His hot breath hit her lips, and her eyes flickered from his lips to his eyes. He breathed quickened in her throat, her anticipation growing. He wrapped one of his large hands around her waist, pulling her into him, and he leaned down to kiss her. As his lips met hers, she could feel his hand tightening its grip around her.

Siren // Orm Marius Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz