[43: The Relocation]

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With the growing fear that WICKED would return and retaliate, Vince decided that the Right Arm would proceed with their plans to head to the docks and prepare to leave for the safe haven. Everything at the docks was abandoned except for the Right Arm encampment. Broken and sunken shipping containers and boats were littered in the water and across the docks.

"I guess this is home for the foreseeable future," Newt commented when they arrived. It had been a long and gruelling journey to get there, and everyone was just glad to have shelter from WICKED's helicopters.

"It could be worse," Frypan pointed out. "At least this place has kitchens and bathrooms."

"You don't even want to know what I would do for a shower right now," Elle mumbled, leaning against Frypan for support.

She'd been particularly exhausted because her dreams were haunted by memories recently. Every time she tried to close her eyes, she saw Chuck, Mary, Minho, Aris, Sonya, and Teresa. Everyone had noticed how she was struggling to sleep, but every time they brought it up, she waved them off and said everything was fine. Elle was many things, but she was terrible at lying when exhausted.

"First we unload supplies, then showers," Vince corrected Elle, already carrying several boxes to the encampment. "Are you doing okay?" he asked when he realised how dark the circles under her eyes were. "You look like you haven't slept in weeks."

"You really know how to compliment a girl," Elle replied sarcastically. "I'm fine, Vince," she said.

In the days it had taken everyone to get from the camp in the mountains to the docks, Vince and Harriet had grown fond of Elle. She was smart as a whip and always had a solution to their problems. Not to mention, her medical knowledge was slowly returning, and she was a miracle worker when it came to dealing with the sick and injured. Elle had become a real asset to the Right Arm, and it was disheartening to see her struggling while she helped so many people.

"I mean this from the bottom of my heart, you don't look fine," Vince responded. He was undeterred by her deflective sarcasm, choosing to look at her physical state. Anyone could see that Elle was going through a hard time, and the last thing they needed was for her to burn out or worse. "If I don't see any improvement, I'm putting you on bed rest," Vince warned her. "Grab a few boxes and get some sleep."

"Yes sir," Elle mumbled, taking a box and following the trail of people down to the docks.

Once the sun had set and all the supplies were distributed throughout their new encampment, everyone took turns showering and having dinner. "Hey," Thomas greeted Elle when they were showered and changed. "Do you mind if I sit?" He motioned to the empty spot beside her.

Elle had chosen to sit by the water and watch the sunset reflect on the sea. "Sure," she allowed, uncrossing her legs and letting them dangle at the edge of the docks.

"I wanted to check on you and see how you're doing," Thomas said as he ate dinner. "You've just looked a little out of it recently."

"I've been feeling a little out of it," Elle confirmed, nodding. Feeling dismissed by her lack of communication, Thomas silently ate the rest of his meal. Even though things between them hadn't returned to normal, Elle was comforted by his presence. She felt his thigh touching hers from his place next to her, and even this minuscule physical contact gave her butterflies. "I know this is probably the last thing on your mind, but I wanted to talk about that fight we had the night WICKED came," Elle admitted when she finished her dinner.

"Yeah, sure," Thomas stammered, eager to discuss their argument. Aside from Minho being gone, it was the main thing on his mind recently. As ridiculous as it sounded, it was hard to focus on the work that needed to be done, knowing that he and Elle hadn't patched up their argument yet. "Of course, you go first."

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