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/It is now night but everyone doesn't seem to care/

Stephanie: "Guys, lets explore outside at night!"

Croc: "I don't have a good feeling about this.. Let's all stay inside"

Stephanie: (Runs outside excited, has hee mask on ready to explore)

Siqi: "This wigga.." (She comes after me to make sure I don't get lost or anything)

Glow: "Hold up, Im going too."

/Yolo and croc stay in the cabin/

Stephanie: "Imagine Jason was right here watching us👀"

Glow: "He's not real"

Stephanie: (jokingly hides around the trees from Glow and Siqi to watch how they react. Its is hard to see and very dark out.)

Siqi: "Steph? Where are you?"

Glow: (He searches a different area and finds someone, he can barely see, he can see they have a hockey mask like mine) "Stephanie I found y-"

/Its Jason Vorhees/

....Glow was never to be found again....

Meanwhile in the cabin, Yolo is reading weird wattpads and croc is just chilling doing her thing

Siqi: (Finds me behind a tree) "Found you" "Now where's Glow..?" (She then calls out in search of Glow)

Siqi: "I think I found Glow.. 😰"


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Stephanie: "At least it wasn't you bbg 🥴"

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Stephanie: "At least it wasn't you bbg 🥴"

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 11 ⏰

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