One step closer

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When Daemon awoke, he stretch his arms only to realise he was alone. He looked around confused until he saw Shaera stood looking out of the window, the sunlight reflected on her hair like a golden halo. Her deep blue dress flowed gently in the soft breeze.

"You needn't worry",

"I am not".

"You cannot lie to me nor do you need to, my flame".

Daemon got up from the tangled sheets to walk over to his wife, he held her hands in his as she looked up at him.

"I- I have a feeling",

"A feeling?".

"I feel that something bad, something truly awful if you leave and it is tearing me apart",

"Do you think I cannot handle that Hightower spawn?". Daemon scoffed as he began to get dressed.

"You know that is not what I meant. You are a skilled warrior and I do not doubt your ability but I also fear for your safety",


"Don't do that",


"Don't call me by my name, you never do. You only call me my name when you are angry at me and I cannot bare it",

"I am not angry at you, my flame. I want you to believe that I will end him and then come back to you".

"Tis not that simple, nothing ever is. That is why I cannot believe you, i fear I am destined to have a cursed life",

"You are not cursed, that is superstition".

"But what if it isn't? Why does my life always seem to be ruined after finally having something good?",

"You must calm yourself, my flame".

"Do not!- do not tell me to calm myself as if that will resolve my feelings",

"I meant only that should you continue to act this way, it will inevitably get worse".

"Why must you disagree with me on this when all I am doing is trying to ensure your safety?",

"Because I do not need you to! I do not need mothering, you are my wife and should respect me".

"Respect is earned and the way you are acting does not deserve my respect. I am acting as your wife by showing concern and you disregard me in favour of what? To claim I should respect you when you do not do the same for me",

"If respect is earned as you say then why did Alicent Hightower betray Rhaenyra whom she had known since she was a girl; why did the Hightower bitch betray you after you helped her in her youth. Respect is demanded when someone deserves it".

"Gods, why can you not admit that perhaps you are wrong? That perhaps people act as if they respect you because they are afraid of your recklessness, they are afraid because you crave the feeling of when you do something irrational",

"I am never wrong, everyone else is just incompetent".

"I cannot bare you at this moment", Shaera began to walk out of the room.

"Where are you going?",

"Away from you".

Daemon scowled as he began to follow her. Shaera walked in to find Visenya trying to brain her hair. Despite being angry at each other, any feelings except pure adoration for their daughter melted away.

"Munā! Kēpa! Look, look",

"I am looking, little dragon, would you like some help?".

"Yes please munā",

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