Over worked lover. -chansung

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"who's there?" chan says, not bothering to look up from the screen. it was 1 am and chan was still working. so his boyfriend, jisung ( had to do something.

"its your favourite boy in the whole world , han!"Han said happily!

"oh. hi. what do you want, han?" chan said, turning his head slightly. he was so tired that his head felt heavy. he tried to focus on what han was saying but it was just words that flew past him.

Han ran over to chan quickly and sat in between his thighs"i want you to go to sleep , i'll finish your work for you."

chan was surprised when han sat in his lap, his hand immediately going and stroking han's inner thighs.

han felt chan stroking his inner thighs but he decided to remain silent , instead he smiled warmly and kissed chan's cheek "go to sleep now."

chan wanted to smile back, but he was just so tired. "can you stay with me till i sleep? i just - i don't want to be alone..." he said, closing his eyes and leaning his head on han's shoulder.

"mhm , go to sleep now jagiya."Han mumbled as he started finishing off whatever chan had to work on

chan smiled, but it was too tired to open his eyes. "okay, han. thank you. i owe you one." his hand, however, was still rubbing han's legs. he's a touchy one, isn't he?

Han continued to type on chan's laptop before finishing at 5:05 exact

chan was still asleep by that time, and his hand was still rubbing han's thigh. his breath is steady so it means that he's deeply asleep.

Han saves the work and closes chan's laptop.

chan's hand is still on han's thigh when he closed the laptop. he was just so exhausted, he was already sleeping within the first five minutes of his head being on han's shoulder now it has been like 1 hour that he's been sleeping for.

Han cuddles up against chan , liking the affection chan gives to him

chan was a cuddly creature while he's sleep. he wrapped his arms around han tightly that not even han could pull himself away. he also leaned onto han, but he was sleeping soundly.


short chapter :3

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