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Lyla's POV

I stared at the screen, not knowing what to do. It's Taylor Alison Swift, you HAVE to answer.

"Lyla! I'm so sorry if I called you at the wrong time, you took a while to answer I was debating if I should've ended it or not," she quickly said through the screen. She looked absolutely stunning, no make up on and had on regular clothes.

"No, no! I'm sorry, I was just shocked that you called me. I'm not busy or anything, no school and parents are out of the house," I began to stumble out.

I was still in shock, but at the same time I needed to keep my cool. Taylor continued to smile at me through the screen, taking occasionally looks away from the camera as she moved around.

She then continued to ask me more about my plans before the show and what I was currently doing at the moment. At this point I didn't even know what was coming out of my mouth or if it was even true because I kept looking at her face as she smiled back at me. I wondered, how many Swifties get to do this with her?

"Well, I'm so glad that you're doing alright. I know you'll finish the year off strong and I'll be there to congratulate you when I see you! Please feel free to message me whenever you need something or want to talk to me," Taylor said with a smile.

I didn't want to constantly be messaging her, she's already so busy as is.

I stared at the screen as the call ended, annoyed at myself that I didn't take a screenshot of the events that just happened.


Taylor's POV

I could feel my mom staring right through my soul as the call ended. I knew what she was thinking, but it didn't matter to me.

"Taylor, let's not do this, please," she sighed.

I shook my head and continued to scroll through my phone. All of the plans with getting Lyla to the VIP tent were now set and my whole crew and guards would be informed about her just in case anything happens.

"Taylor, don't get too attached please. It's not going to help you," my mom said, making me walk away.

"What's your problem? I just want to make my fan happy," I mumbled.

"Remember, she has a family!" she yelled as I climbed up the stairs.

I shut my eyes tightly, closing my bedroom door. I sat down on my head, putting my head in my hands as I took deep breaths. I was nervous about meeting Lyla, nervous that I wouldn't want to let her go.

How could I already feel like this towards someone I haven't met just yet?


Lyla's POV

I heard the door open, meaning my parents arrived. Running down the stairs, I greeted them with a huge smile as they engulfed me into a big hug.

"What'd you do while we were gone babe?" Mom asked.

"Nothing much, laid around and watched shows," I smiled, not wanting them to know about my call with Taylor.

Dad handed me a Chick Fil A bag that I had requested and I gave him a quick hug and ran to the kitchen table. When I looked at the clock, it read 7 PM, so I was already starving. While they were gone, I had eaten only a few snacks, wanting to be able to enjoy my nuggets.

"Hey babe, has Taylor been interacting with you again?" Mom asked, taking a seat next to me. I froze, shocked that she had even asked me that.

"Um, not really. Only the notice from before, why?" I asked, making her shake her head.

"Just wondering baby," she smiled, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

I shrugged my shoulders and continued eating as I could feel both of my parent's eyes glued onto me. I quickly finished my food, wanting to run back up to my room, but they had started talking to me, asking questions and making me stumble over my words.

"You okay babe?" Dad asked as I crumpled up the now empty Chick Fil A bag and threw it into the trash.

I nodded my head, "Yeah, just really tired. I finished all my work," and with that being said, I climbed back up the stairs going into my room.

I opened my phone, relieved that Taylor didn't message me again. It's not that I don't want her to message me, but it causes a heart attack each time I see that notification.

Tossing my phone to the side, I grabbed my friendship bracelet making kit and began creating more bracelets, knowing I will definitely be able to give some to Taylor and her family made me excited to make more just for them. Hopefully they love them.

She's The Best Thing, That's Ever Been Mineحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن