Fathers Day

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You can suck it up for one day. A heavy sigh left my lips as I stared at the smooth ceiling above me. I blinked slowly, shoving down the disappointment that was latched to my throat. I thought maybe today would be different, it was Father's Day after all. Today, I should want to celebrate - because I really did have the best family, but nothing in me wanted to drag myself out of this bed.

It'd been that way for a while now, but I couldn't tell anyone. I couldn't tell anyone.

There were two steady knocks on my door. "Niall?!"

I braced myself, inhaling deeply, and forced a grin onto my lips. "Come in and shh!!"

I heard giggling and a hurried,"Go!" as my door swung open, my older and younger brothers trampling in. I sat up, pretending to be excited they were in here when in reality I would've liked it better to have been left alone. "What are you still doing in bed?! It's Father's Day!" Liam exclaimed.

Rubbing my eyes I told him I had been sleeping, lying came really easy to me lately. As I reopened my eyes I looked at my purple blanket that seeped over the edge of my queen bed and onto my orange tiled flooring. I remember all the strange looks I had gotten when designing my new bedroom a year ago, when I didn't care what everyone thought.

When I was happy. "Well you have to get up mate, we got to decorate!"

I smiled at my older brother, Liam. He looked so excited, even though six months ago he would've thrown up at the National Holiday. Dad and Papa had a way of growing on people. That's precisely why I had to get up and go decorate our living room.

I began climbing out of my bed, "Yeah yeah, now sod off and let me get dressed."

"See ya Ni!" I half smiled at Louis, letting my door shut and my body to slide back on my bed.

When would this end?

Third Person POV

Niall fumbled with the tape on the ceiling, huffing out his annoyance by the task. The latter he stood on creaked sideways a little, which admittedly made the boys heart pitter patter for a second, but he didn't show that as he finally placed the paper decorations on the ceiling.

Just as he started to clamber down Louis and Liam walked out of the kitchen, that had no doubt been decorated thoroughly.

Earlier in the kitchen

Liam got the last candle on the cake, just in time for Louis to break the ongoing silence. "Li?" The older boy hummed to show he was listening. "What's wrong with Niall?" The room suddenly went quiet all too quickly.

It set a certain presenten that the conversation at hand would be a cold one.

Liam stood across from his younger brother on the opposite side of the marble island, his eyes boring into Louis' head. Liam knew exactly what his youngest brother was talking about - it's not like he hadn't noticed over the past couple of months the change.

If there was one thing he was good at it was knowing his brothers.  

"I think he's having a difficult time right now, Lou."

The twelve year old sat with that, blinking slowly. "How do we help?" Liam couldn't answer that, mainly cause he didn't know. How was he supposed to help? Was he just supposed to act like everything was okay until Niall said something to them?

"Maybe give him some space? He hasn't said anything to you has he?" Liam asked slowly, making sure to keep his voice low in the big kitchen.

"No, he hasn't. He just seems like he's hiding something, it's different. I'm not sure." Liam could agree with his brother, he noticed how Niall had closed off lately, how they were often getting him out of bed instead of him doing it himself. Liam also hadn't missed the lack of appetite or his sudden snippy comment that was always followed by a quick apology and a laugh.

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