Chapter 2

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After locating the dog Raf was watching we had a few minutes to catch our breath

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After locating the dog Raf was watching we had a few minutes to catch our breath. Then Alex pointed up at the sky. We all looked to see something heading towards us at the same speed as a fighter jet. As it got closer we could barely make out its features it looked like a plane or aircraft of some sort.

"Come on!" Hope said and started jogging in the direction that the ship is going to land, everyone including myself followed. Not that I had much of a choice. Rafael started to walk towards the ship, just as it was about to crash.

"Whoa, I don't think so, dude." I said grabbing his arm. Hope had proven time and time again that she could handle anything. And while MG, Raf, Lizzie, and I all had abilities that made it so we could handle anything, we weren't invincible.

Also just because five out of the seven of us had powers the fact that Alex was here also complicated things. Unlike the rest of us he wasn't supernatural. If he was the twins would've sensed it and Rafael and I would've smelled it.

"What if it's hurt?" Josie asked in a worried tone. Many retorts came to mind but I decided to bite my tongue for the moment.

"She's right. I'm in." Hope said brushing past me. Raf, Lizzie, Josie, MG, Alex, and even Shadow fallowed her much to my dismay.

"You're all insane!" I hissed fallowing them against my better judgment. We ran until we came to an open area where the ship had crashed. Then we all watched, a door opened on the ship, and we saw the silhouette of a tall slender woman against the bright light from inside the ship. None of us moved as she walked down a ramp towards us. She had green eyes, and long midnight black hair that went down to her waist.

"Someone's coming out." Rafael said standing completely still as the woman continued to walk towards us.

"Uh-huh, this is the part where we grab some popcorn, and watch Hope kick her ass." MG said trying to lighten the mood but I could tell he was just as scared as the rest of us. I looked at Alex and was surprised to see that he wasn't shaking in fear or running for his life. If anything he seemed curious more than anything.

"No, this is the part where we hide while Hope kills whatever this thing is!" I said before turning and running behind some barrels, to my surprise everyone followed my lead including Hope and the dog. We needed a plan and it needed to be a good one.

"What is she?" Lizzie asked.

"I... I don't know, but she's definitely not from my hometown." MG said quietly. Lizzie looked at him and rolled her eyes.

"She's not a wolf or vampire." Rafael added looking at the woman.

"And her scent definitely isn't human." I added keeping my voice down.  Once the woman got to the bottom of the ramp she fell to the ground. Hope got up to help her only for Rafael and Alex to grab her and pull her back down.

"What are you doing?" Rafael demanded.

"She looks like she's hurt." Hope said in a worried tone.

"Yeah? So?" MG asked

Legacies: A New StudentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora