Explaining a few things

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A/N: before we begin this story I want to explain a few things about the plot. In this story Alex attended normal high school at Mystic Falls were he meets Hope and Josie these encounters will be shown in flashbacks in later chapters. Malivore doesn't exist so neither does Landon. Josie Locked away her Magic just like in the show.

However she never went dark instead she had visions of her going dark and killing her friends and sister. Hope grew up at the school with Josie and Lizzie as her only friends so when Josie decided to leave Hope fallowed.

The seven will be gifted with the same abilities that Alex gets but there magic, vampire, and werewolf abilities will be increased tenfold. Jed and Raf will gain the ability to shift at will without pain like Hope, MG, and Josie will gain certain witch and vampire powers that aren't from the TVD universe such as vampires being able to turn into actual bats or other animals, witches being able to vanquish enemies without requiring certain objects, witches can also turn into animals similar to the ones from Harry Potter, and the werewolves can fully shift or partly shift.

There will be limits to these abilities however. But I'll explain that in later chapters. Keep in mind that this is a completely different timeline from Curse Of The Silverback.

The adults are present but don't play as big of a part in this story as they did in the last. Finally each chapter will be narrated by a different character first one will be from Rafael's perspective.

You'll know who's narrating because a picture of them will be on each chapter.

That's all for now I hope you enjoy the story.


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