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"don't be dramatic,(f/n)."

Your father tried to reason with you,an exasperated look on his wrinkly face.His words were low and it had the tone of someone who was getting bored.

Although his expression quickly faded into frustration when he watched you rose from your seat abruptly.He furrowed his brows while the servants in the room made a horrid expression at the screech sound your chair made.His offended face matched the betrayal on yours as you turned to start walking away.


He yelled your name,not noticing how the maids turned their heads and stared at both of you.Whispering to one another, most likely on how you're making such a scene.

You walked fast,your steps echoing through the hallway.Though he did manage to catch up to you when you stopped walking to unlock the gate to the garden.

"Just what do you think you're doing? You ungrateful child!"

Just like usual, he'd ask you a question and start berating you before you could even open your mouth.With how many times he's done so,your eyes narrowed down as your brows furrowed.He seemed much more triggered by the look on your face.

"I just need some time to think,okay?"

Was all you could muster up to say,they were the words that left your throat.Instead of the much harsher and disrespectful ones that came to mind.You still had to respect your own father, after all.

Your words did manage to get through him, somehow.Since he did let go of your wrist, even if he flicked it to the side to do so.Scoffing as he turned and stormed away from you.

At least he was no longer on your tail.

The easy agreement caught you off guard, leaving you stunned for a quick moment.He didn't normally give up that easily, perhaps his own empathy got a hold of his conscience.You could only hope.Hope that he could change for the better in some way, even though an old dog can't be taught new tricks, especially if t doesn't want to.

You sighed,turning back to open the gate to the garden.Making sure to close it behind you before walking in further.The scent of the roses and many other flowers engulfed your nose, calming you down almost instantly.

The garden had always been a safe space for you, it was another product of your mothers presence.Your father didn't have the green thumb, nor patience, nor time to even try to plant a single rainbow rose.

But your mother? Most of your childhood memories of her were in the garden.Back when she always stayed at home, always in the comforts of her garden.The space she created, and left as an imprint on your fathers manor.She adored the garden and treated it so dearly, you could almost say it was sort of her second child.

Just like her, you enjoyed being in the garden she put together.Ir was as if she was still here, as if her presence was still lingering.As if it was some sort of ghost that haunted the pristine lawn.

The manor wasn't in the city,it was nearby mont esus east.The garden was behind the manor,and beside the low fence,the garden was nearly open.Though you couldn't care enough to wonder if anyone or anything would try to enter.

You could only stare at the perfectly trimmed bushes, wondering which maid did the trimming this time.Che's hands were too shaky, and Rie is too reckless.Trying to think of the other maids,you could have sworn you heard faint footsteps in the distance.Of course, you shook off the thought when you couldn't see anyone.

It was probably Anne, or Merceline.You've come to the conclusion of two possible maids that could have done such a well done trim to the bushed.You don't even remember all the servants names,just a handful of them.When you ran out of absurd things to think about,you merely stared out into  the vast body of water that made up most of your nation.A bit too focused in the water, that suddenly became still, to hear the light foot steps of someone walking up from behind you.

It wasn't until their shadow was cast upon you, that you snapped out of it and turned to look up at the person.You're eyes widened,the tall woman offered you a singular flower in her hand.

rainbow rose.

The shock was too much for you to fully process what was going on.You just couldn't believe your eyes.

"What...are you doing here..?"

You managed to stutter out, your words left your hoarse throat.Your voice was a bit quiet when you asked, although she heard every word.

The all too familiar acquaintance tilted her head, raising a brow as she stared down at you with those lifeless,dark red eyes of hers.She lowered her hand that held the rose, asking a simple yet condescending sounding question.

"Do you not wish for me to visit?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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