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A scorching flame, burning anything and anyone that got a bit too close.It was wild and untamed,people would say its dangerous and would tell you to stay far away from it.To stay away from danger.

But you weren't one to listen.

You were hard headed.Despite the countless years of home schooling and training within the pristine wall of the manor your family resided in,you weren't one that really listened and obeyed.

A trouble maker was what they'd call you.You'd roll your eyes at every mention of the name,earning yourself a dissatisfied groan or a scowl from your elders.You would always think how they were over acting.You weren't a trouble maker, you just weren't some kind of dumb obedient dog of some sorts.

You'd rather believe your own mind rather than theirs,after all.

Perhaps it's why every friend of yours didn't last long.None of them lasted long enough,and at this point you were unsure if you scared them off yourself or if your parents left a request at their parents house to not let their child speak to you ever again,for some God forsaken reason.

You believe it's rather silly and childish.When you were younger,you had different views as a child.You were more..accepting of the pampering reality you lived in.

But as the years went by,you got older and sick of their shenanigans.It just started to tick you off in ways that got underneath your precious skin.

So you started to rebel more.

It would start as going against their preference in clothing,then to changing your hobbies,then it got to acting out.You weren't one to lash out..if not necessary, that is.

As you got older,the burning desire to act against them just grew and grew.It was like a flame that resided deep inside your chest.Something that commanded you on what to do,it was like your will.You listened and obeyed the fire inside you more than you did your elders.You rebeled and disobeyed,over and over again.

Until you came across someone who held the same fire as you did.A deep,burning urge to become something more than what you are.

So of course,you tried to get closer.You tried to befriend her,not exactly for her,but for the similar flame you saw in her.At first,you thought it was like staring through a mirror that only reflected your soul.

But of course,no one is able to get close to fire without getting burnt.

And so you did.

When you did try to get too close to the scorching flame,not only did you get burnt,but you stumbled back to stare at the marks that the flames left on your skin.Allowing you to gawk at the fresh scars made from the burn,allowing you to be able to pity yourself.Giving you the chance to run,to flee,to get far from wherever you were.

But did you?

Did you run,flee,or even try to get as far as possible?

No,you didn't.

In fact,you did the exact opposite.Instead of trying to get away,you tried to get closer again.Trying to be able to withstand the heat of the flame,trying to be able to stand by it.Far enough to not get burnt to a crisp,yet close enough to feel the warmth prickling at your skin.

Although,you seemed to have not been aware of the possible consequences.Yoh never really thought twice of the possible outcome becoming bad,you were just being nice for Celestia's sake.
You weren't aware of the growing blaze,soon becoming into an inferno that would engulf you.Devour you whole until your nothing more than what you dreaded to be.

Of course,you wouldn't think of that.You didn't want to think negative.Especially of the new friend you found in the midst of the fire.

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