Omegaverse (oneshot)

Start from the beginning

- " I know you do. " He kissed the top of the boy's head through the newly-dyed blond strands. " Just not yet. "

- " Please..." His voice came out muffled against the fabric of Cris' t-shirt, " I've been a good boy! "

- " Look at me, Paulo. " The boy sighed. He lifted his head up slowly to meet the alpha's hazel eyes. " I'm aware you need me, today more than ever.. But I do need to eat after training, you know that. And I'm sure you also know whose need comes first, right? "

- " Mhm.. "  Paulo nodded, the man's hand was caressing his cheek, and he leaned into the touch like a satisfied kitten.

- " That's my good boy. " The alpha praised softly. " What's for lunch? "

The boy had prepared pasta and Caesar salad, even though Cris had told him -before leaving for training- to order food if he wasn't feeling too well to cook, being his first day. But Paulo had started the day feeling quite energetic, doing home chores, dying his hair and preparing lunch..

.. Except it started to get to him as soon he was engulfed in the man's body heat, and the waiting game surely didn't make his own heat any easier. But he did try to control himself- without exactly knowing why. There wasn't any dignity left to be saved, really, just like there wasn't any corner in the mansion where his alpha hasn't fucked him into oblivion (even the balcony, for crying out loud) yet he went on with lunch -and then cleaning up and doing the dishes- while trying to act and look as cool as possible.

When Paulo finished cleaning up the dishes he aproached the living room to see Cris sat on the couch, watching sports news. He eyed the Portuguese who was wearing nothing but his sports shorts -fantastic- his legs were positioned into a man spread while his left arm was slumped against the couch, displaying his flawless, scuplted, chiseled body.
And those few seconds were enough for Paulo to realize just how fuckin' stupid his attempt to compose himself was.

As though reading his mind, the alpha glanced at his boy and smirked, tapping the space between his legs to urge him to sit there. And the boy didn't waste any second to do so.

Paulo made himself comfortable sitting sideways on Cris' lap, his small body fitting like a piece of puzzle against the other's majestic, muscular one. And he let out a content sigh as he felt the alpha's arm make its way around his delicate waist.

- " daddy? " He hugged his alpha's broad neck.

- " mhm "

- " You didn't ask me why I chose this color for my hair "

- " Is there a reason? "  Paulo nodded earnestly:

- " I was inspired by someone.. " Paulo let his finger wander across Cris' bare chest, feeling the muscle lines. " ..Someone so strong, who kicked our own team's ass before joining it. "

Cris' lips curved into a smile as he realized what the boy was talking about: Back when he still played for Real Madrid he scored an incredible bicycle-kick goal against Juventus, his current team which he joined shortly after that infamous game.. And he happened to have a certain "noodle" hairstyle, back then, with a few blond highlights that were greatly similar to Paulo's new style.

- " Is that so? " The man chuckled, tightening his embrace around Paulo's waist. " You liked daddy's hair so much, hm? " Paulo dropped his gaze down to the man's abs where his fingers were tracing along the sculpted six-packs..

- " N-not only your hair, everything else.. " He muttered, coyly. " I couldn't stop thinking about you ever since.. I- I even considered joining Real, just to be near you.. " He placed his hand over the man's abdomen muscles.

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