Chapter 2 - New world

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Shen Wei learned a lot to live in the mortal world. Luckily she is a fast learner. Then, she can easily adapt with the life in the mortal world. Like Yezhun suggested to her, she is now a young professor in one of the universities in the mortal world named Dragon City University or known as DCU when she landed in this city to trace on that Lord of Guardian Light named Zhao Yunlan in this city. During daylight, Shen Wei is a lecturer, but during night she will go out and keep tracing that lord.

"Prof. Shen, may I coming?" Prof. Ouyang greeted at the door as he saw Shen Wei is deeply in the reading of that book on the table.

"Oh, Prof. Ouyang! Please come in! Sorry, I didn't notice that you came," Shen Wei greeted back with permitted Prof. Ouyang to come inside her now office room in this DCU.

Prof. Ouyang just smiles while walking closer to Shen Wei. Without asking, Shen Wei hurriedly prepares the drink for them. She learned to be polite to the elders like Prof. Ouyang which now almost 60 years old in this mortal world. Of course Shen Wei is older than Prof. Ouyang if calculated from her realms. But to be in this mortal world, she needs to live as a young professor with just 32 years old for the age of human in mortal world. And her high knowledge in any field of studies is suitable to be in a position as a young professor in this DCU now.

"What is it that you came to visit me now, Prof. Ouyang?" Shen Wei politely asked as she put down two cups of vanilla tea to both of them.

Prof. Ouyang sighs a little but still he gets the tea from Shen Wei to sip first before he continues his talk.

"Prof. Shen, I am still hoping that you will join us for the grant project in mutation gene," Prof. Ouyang said his hope to this young professor who knows a lot about the mutation gene but unfortunately this young professor always rejected his offer.

Shen Wei smiles beautifully.

"Prof. Ouyang, unfortunately, I am still rejecting your offer. I am not interested in that grant project. You should find someone else," Shen Wei kindly rejected that offer once again made Prof. Ouyang sighed in frustration.

"It's hard to convince you to join us for that project, Prof. Shen. And too bad to not have your knowledge in our project," Prof. Ouyang sighed, frustrated.

Shen Wei didn't offend with Prof. Ouyang's words but she just smiles to hear that. Then, Prof. Ouyang gave up to convince Shen Wei to join him in the mutation gene project. But still Shen Wei shared her knowledge about the mutation gene to Prof. Ouyang as that old professor asked her about that. Prof. Ouyang always respected Shen Wei as a high knowledgeable young professor in this DCU. He always asked Shen Wei any curiosity or advices about the mutation gene.

As Prof. Ouyang left Shen Wei after the discussion, Shen Wei walks to her class on that evening before she will go back home at the late evening. It's been 3 months now she is in this city but still she didn't find whereabouts of Zhao Yunlan. She didn't know what is that guy doing in this mortal world. Unknowingly to her that Zhao Yunlan is working as SID chief when he opened the SID building to catch the criminals from the both realms.

Zhao Yunlan decided to find the dark energy that he heard escaped to this mortal world. That dark energy has something that he needs to clear it before it will ruin his realm soon. He didn't know where is that dark energy comes from. But he knows that dark energy is not good for his realm or even for the Dark Realm. He didn't know how to find that dark energy but he knows it is in this mortal world. He can recognize that dark energy but he can't trace it. So he needs to find it through the criminal cases in this mortal world. But he never crossed the DCU within these past 3 months to let Shen Wei finds him.

"Chief, we got a call from the staff of DCU telling us about the death of student from that university this late evening!" Lin Jing, the bodyguard of Zhao Yunlan who now working as a scientist in SID told from the office door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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