chapter 1

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~POV Niall~

"You got a B on your test today?" I ask Liam disappointed. "Yes. I didn't fail my test," he answers. "No, but you didn't pass either! For god sake, Liam! Why won't you just do your fucking best?" I ask him now angry. "I did pass! I had one of the highest scores in class! Everyone failed except for Connor and I!" He tells me.

"So? Am I supposed to believe you know?" I ask him. Connor already went to his room. "Yes! When mum was alive, you weren't like this!" He tells me. "Yeah, well, she was murdered in front of me!" I tell him. "Go to your fucking room and start studying!" I tell him.

I walk to the kitchen and grab a beer. Louis looks at me with his cigarette in his hand. I grab one myself. "What was the fight this time about?" Louis asks me. I light up my cigarette. "Him having a B! I mean, come on! He can do way better than that! So can Connor! They're smart! Also, he claims to have along with Connor the highest grade in class!" I tell him angry. "Ask Tristan. Besides, B is very good," louis says.

"No! I know they can get straight A's!" I tell Louis. "Niall, calm down, okay? They did the best they could. Maybe next time better," louis tells me.

~POV Liam~

I walk into Connor and mine room. "On a scale from 1 to 10, how pissed is he?" Connor asks scaredly. "A 100. He has been acting out on us since Mum died," I say. "I mean, I get it. He doesn't want us to get hurt," Connor says.

Mum was murdered and I only heard the gunshot since Zayn had already dragged me out. Connor was still in there with dad, so he saw her getting murdered. That also means Connor understands dad better than i do.

"Come on, Connor, it has been 3 years. He has to get over it someday!" I say. We hear a knock, but dad never does that, so it must be Zayn or Tris. "Come in!" I yell. Connor jumps a little. "Sorry," I say.

Zayn walks in. "You 2 okay?" He asks us. I swear zayn and tristan are the only ones who care about us. Dad wouldn't care if we got kidnapped again.

"Is dad really angry?" Connor asks. "Louis talked to him. They went to a bar and asked me to look after you two," zayn answers. "Dad, is just a toxic shit," I tell Zayn angrily. "He isn't abusive and just wants to protect you 2," zayn says. I roll my eyes and lay down in bed. "Night, kids," Zayn says. He closes the door, and Connor lays down, too.

"I'm scared," he says then. "We'll be fine. Dad won't physically abuse us," I tell him. "I know, but every time we don't get an A, he gets angry at us," Connor explains. "I know. Louis talked to him, so we'll be fine tomorrow," I say, and Connor agrees. I can't wait till I live on my own with Connor.

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