78 | i see the resemblance

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Maddison gives a 'what the hell' look to Irene, who mirrors it.

"Oh, I'm in the surgical program." Cristina replies.

"But after you're married?" Mrs. Burke replies, making Irene, who was sipping her coffee, cough.

"Married? I'm sorry... married?" Cristina stammers, as Maddison hands tissues to Liam's mother.

"Come, Christina. You must have considered the possibility." Mrs. Burke tells her. "You're no spring chicken. I don't know a young woman who wouldn't want to marry my Preston, given half the chance. He's brilliant, he's handsome. He's the best thing I've done in my life. He's the most important thing in the world to me."

Maddison and Irene share a part weirded out and a part amused look, not believing their ears.

"Oh... okay." Cristina replies, awkwardly, and then notices Burke. "Oh, Burke, Burke! Preston... Preston Burke is here."

"What a surprise. My two favorite ladies in the same place." Burke greets them.

"Preston, what on earth are you doing out of bed?" His mother dotes over him.

"Oh... well I... I wanted to... get some... stretch my legs mama." Burke stammers, trying to come up with an excuse.

"But you're not supposed to stretch your legs. You're supposed to be resting." Mrs. Burke replies.

"Right." Burke nods, trying to find something else. "But I wanted to have some... some air. Some stretching, some air... and some coffee. Anybody want any coffee?"

"We Already have coffee." Cristina replies, looking up at him. "Please have a seat."

"Right. Just a second... coffee." Burke replies, walking away to get coffee for himself.

"You did this." Burke's mother, looks at the intern, accusingly.

"What?" Cristina asks.

"Christina, listen to me. It's not that I don't like you. I think that you're a very smart, very attractive young woman. But you're selfish." Mrs. Burke tells her.

"I beg your pardon?" Cristina replies, surprised.

"Oh, you pulled him out of his sick bed because you were uncomfortable. That's selfish. You're selfish, and my son is giving." Mrs. Burke tells her. "And the combination... well... it's not going to last. Not much longer."

"Hey heyyy, hi. Alright." Burke approaches, putting a try in front of Mrs. Burke. "I brought you a scone mama."

"Okay, lets get out of here." Irene whispers to Maddison, who nods, and they both slip out of there.

The two turn a corner, laughing their asses off.

"There is no way, she said that." Maddison laughs.

"He is the best thing I've done in my life?" Irene repeats what Mrs. Burke had said. "She said that about her son?"

"I can't believe it." Maddison wipes a tear. "And the thing about changing her specialty? Really?"

At this, Irene stops laughing.

"I thought, that was a reasonable request." Irene tells the intern, stopping in the hallway, making Maddison look shocked.

"Wha- what?" Maddison stumbles. "You think-" She trails off. "You-"

"Oh, you should see your face." Irene laughs heartily, at Maddison shocked face. "Oh, that was a good one."

"You were kidding?!" Maddison looks at the older woman shocked.

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