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#1: with the help of your anemo vision, you let the wind levitate you. You sit as you float in the air while playing a long melody with your flute.

#2: You made an anemo orb appear on your fingers, playing with it as it floats around before disappearing.

(Matching with Xiao's idle animation)




"Oh... Hello... My name is Wei Feng. I see you visited Cloud Retainer's abode once more. I-I do see you visit here, I just never had the courage to meet you in person..."


Good Morning
"Good morning traveler. I hope you will have a fortunate day... Which means you must avoid me, I don't have the best luck..."


Good Afternoon
"I'll be collecting some almonds... Will you join me? We can make Almond tofu together for Xiao..."


Good Evening
"Liyue's lights looks so magnificent as always, I hope you enjoy your stay here."


Good Night
"Bless your night traveler, and have sweet dreams... If you have trouble sleeping I won't mind playing a few tunes for you."


Favorite Food
"I do love Jade Parcels, I would make it for Ms. Winter when she wanted some. But other than that any food is fine."


Least Favorite Food
"Anything... Seafood... Anything.. please don't serve me."


Chat: Flute
"My flute? Oh. It was made by two Archons, the Geo Archon himself and Anemo Archon. Years back I visited Mondstadt and felt the presence of the Anemo Archon in his... Human form. I asked him if I he could teach me how to play the instrument, he was so nice and I've always played it ever since. Mostly when I spend time with Xiao. Years later in training, Rex Lapis and Barbatos gifted me the item. I feel so blessed because of it."


About: Cloud Retainer
"Master took care of me...  Believe it or not I, myself am a few hundred years old. But I slept within her mountains for as long as I can remember, I woke up and Liyue looked so different. Master assured me that everything is fine..."

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