“Treason is everything you have done to betray this land. And how dare you still speak of a war that was even caused by your mistakes? We are all players in your games, aren’t we?”

Kieran evades another one of his attacks, but he almost didn’t see the other one. Alpha Damon’s claws almost bite into Kieran’s chest, but he staggers backwards to avoid it.

The effect causes him to lose his balance, and he falls to the ground. He settles back on one of his knees before he finally stands upright. His jaw twitches, and through his lashes, he watches Alpha Damon.

“I have tried to reason with you, but since you’d act dirty, let us get dirty.” This time around, Kieran is the one starting the attack.

He rushes towards Alpha Kieran with might, slashing his claws at his face, but Alpha Damon is quick to evade it, shifting with one step backwards, away from Kieran’s attack. However, what he didn’t see was Kieran already outstretching his left leg over the ground in an attack to swipe Alpha Damon off of the ground.

Achieving that, he twirls into the air, wanting to jab his elbow at Alpha Damon, who also quickens to roll out of the way.

They both stand up again and go into attacking each other. The air releases sounds of their claws scratching each other. There’s grunts coming from each other and clashes between Kieran being through the window to the outside and Alpha Damon jumping through the broken window to continue the fight as well.

Since he’s an alpha, he’s able to utilize his aura, which dampens Kieran’s senses and is hence a hindrance to his being able to make use of his best skills.

Kieran’s face has been cut many times and healed. There are broken glasses inside his skin, which he hasn’t removed. And for Alpha Damon, the bones of his ribs, even though they’ve partially healed, have been misshaped from the way they actually were and focused on the fight; he is yet to reshape them back so they can actually heal well.

The both of them want to attack each other again when Kade arrives between them and growls so loudly that the both of them stop and focus on him. His growl lasted a few seconds, unstopping until their minds calmed.

Kade is more than pissed off, and Kieran bows his head slightly. Alpha Damon, however, hisses before he walks away. He joins the others, including Luna Olivia, who starts.

“You have performed an act that is most frowned upon, and the consequences shall soon be upon you three. When it comes, I can only wonder how you’ll be saved. In two moons’ time.” She finishes on behalf of the others as they leave.

Kade helps Kieran remove the fragments of glass in his face before they enter the meeting room, where Kyle has calmed Kaya’s heart rate so that she doesn’t bleed anymore. Since she didn’t lose much blood, they moved her to their room and helped bandage the wound.

While she rests on the bed, the brothers have a discussion on the matter at hand.

“It is absolutely clear that someone caused what happened today—someone in this kingdom. We have a traitor, and we must find them out.” Kieran is burning with anger inside him. He has a hand mirror in his grip, which he’s looking into to see if his face is clean from wounds or not. He has completely healed, so he looks as though nothing had happened to him in the past few minutes.

“We have a lot on your table right now to even think of such a matter. I have no idea how we’d do it, but trust me, we have a traitor to capture, we’ve got Kaya to protect with the baby inside her, and we’ve got a war upcoming. We still don’t know what else the future is preparing for us.”

“Babies. That crazy woman of a Luna said they were twins.” Kieran corrects Kade, which makes Kyle groan.

“I can’t cope with this.′ Kyle throws his hands into the air as he releases an exasperated sigh and slouches his shoulders in tiredness.

Kade turns to the brothers. “The future is controlled by time. And time is an essence, just like the wind is a measurement. Whether we work with it or not, it would fuck with us. So, instead, why don’t we cut through it? I have an idea.” Kade speaks with such collectiveness. “We’d do this one at a time, hence having a clearheaded comprehension of how we win in the end.”

Kade steps away to connect his mind with Chester. His eyes glow a shade of scarlet as his mind connects through the miles of distance between them, but since Chester is a close subject of theirs, their blood is connected through trust and loyalty, making distance a negligible thing.

The connection locks, and Chester submits, “Alpha Kade.”

Kade doesn’t waste time saying his reason for connecting his mind with Chester. “Chester, it is time that I need you here. Come before tomorrow’s sunset.”

“Yes, my Lord. I may have a surprise for you as well.” He is being sarcastic, which makes Kade overlook his words. Chester is a helpless drunkard. It’s okay for him to be unserious all the time.

Kade turns back to his brothers. “One way or the other, I am certain we’d win this war.”

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