New York

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Previously on The Hating Game-
Tattoo artist- are you sure you want this?
London- yes. [ he's getting the scratches she left on him]
Hours later, 10pm-
Pov- me and dad ate and watched our favorite movie and after a while fell asleep fell asleep and I told him to go to bed while I stayed waiting for them to get home but I guess I fell asleep..
Daniel- damn why is everything so dark?
London- maybe they fell asleep
Daniel- there's no way..what's that delicious smell? No way, pizza!
Mila- zzzz * cute snores*
London- shhh did you hear that?
Daniel- hear what?
Mila- zzzz
London- that!
Daniel- dude there's no one here! * he yelled *
London- shut up dumbass, look! Mila's here. You'll wake her up
Daniel- what do you think you are doing? You just got your tattoo done, you're in Pain.
* he lifts her up and carried her to the room*
* he places her on her bed*
Mila- baby?
London- hey there beautiful, go back to sleep...
Mila- where are you going?
London- I'm going to change and join you.
* he takes his shirt off and laid beside her *
Mila- baby?
London- yes love?
Mila- I want to tell my family about us.
London- tell everyone baby, now go to sleep. * he kissed her forehead and held her *
The next morning-
- he's so cute while sleeping, I can't believe he doesn't snore. He's perfect, but it's past 9am and I can't sleep anymore.
Mila- babyy if you don't wake up this instant, I'm starting a war.
London- zzz
Mila- don't say I didn't warn you, here comes a big but fluffy torment * she throws a pillow at him*
London- ow ow ouch
Mila- what's wrong? That did not hurt, you baby.
London- it did, cause I got a tattoo done last night.
Mila- what? Where?
London- here* he shows her his back*
Mila- are those?
London- yup, those are the scratches you left on me when we had sex.
Mila- you're crazy.
London- come here, who are you calling crazy? * pulls her in and kissed her *
Mila- no oh my God no! Don't tickle me * laughs *
Meanwhile in the living room
Richard- ey bro, whats that noise?
Daniel- those are London and Mila.
Richard- are they?
Daniel- yes, they're happy. I've never seen our sister this happy.
Richard- so is it a possibility that you guys might come to New York sooner?
Daniel- I hope, although you might be mad when you see London.
Richard- why's that?
Daniel- um he got a tattoo done
Richard- how am I going to be mad at that?
Daniel- you'll see.
Mila- morning bro
Daniel- morning, did you like it?
Mila- he's crazy, why did you let him do that?
Daniel- hey, I told him.
Mila- who are you talking to?
Daniel- Richard.
Mila- hi bro! I miss you.
Richard- I miss you more little one
Mila- I think you won't miss me much longer
Richard- why is that?
Mila- well, tomorrow morning london's plane leave and so does mine and Daniel's..
Richard- what? Yes!!
Daniel- we are? Finally!!
Mila- shh both of you, I want it to be a surprise for him..
Richard- awww
Mila- shut it
Daniel- how exactly are you planning on doing that if we have to pack?
Mila- That's when you come in, you get him out of the house all day if you have to which gives me plenty of time to pack my suitcase and yours as well.

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