Chapter 15 - Pushing Up Daisies

Start from the beginning

"OH- OH God- that– Salt do you smell that!??"

She shouted, still holding Salt, so she couldn't plug her 'nose' to shut out the horrid stench.

"Huh? Smell? Like...No, I don't smell anything?"

She replied casually.

Pepper was aghast, not able to comprehend how that sickening odor didn't make its way to Salt's senses. Still doing her best not to gag, Pepper moved Salt aside slightly, still holding her.

"I-I'm gonna just- let's get inside, okay? Can you sta-"

She stopped mid word.

Pepper's eyes moved slowly down Salt's body, starting from her horribly dented head all the way down to her...That was the thing she'd failed to notice. She was devoid of legs. An entire midsection at that. Anything below the waist that had been sticking out from the ground was simply not there. No, there was something. Goopy, reddish and brown entrails slid out from their host, falling to the ground with a wet plop. Several handfuls of salt also spilled out. Salt herself seemed none the wiser.


She asked, still smiling.

Pepper's screaming mind felt itself crack the more she stared at Salt

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Pepper's screaming mind felt itself crack the more she stared at Salt. There really was almost nothing left of her. Just the loose, hanging remains of what she was.

That's where the stench was coming from too. Until that moment, Pepper had never considered the one thing bodies tend to do, that being rot. Whether or not she was made of glass, what was inside her was definitely decaying, resulting in the vile stench. She watched for what felt like hours, though it wasn't more than a few seconds, as the gangrenous insides fell out of their host and into the now empty grave. The slimy, rotting guts fell into a singular pile, sloughing together into a revolting puddle of gore.

"Pepper? -OH! Hey is this-"

Salt reached out a hand, taking notice of the accessory that adorned Pepper's head.

Pepper set Salt down on the ground, facing the night sky. She seemed so relaxed, as if she had no clue she was missing half of her body. Pepper took a few steps back, still too sickened to utter a single word.

Salt closed her one eye, taking in a deep breath of the cool, night air. She looked so at peace, so content, so relaxed. She looked almost like she was sleeping. But Pepper's delusional mind could no longer shut off the natural instinct to fear something like this. She still felt she couldn't move, so chose to scan her eyes around something, anything that wasn't the rotting corpse in front of her. She looked down to where she'd just been hugging that body. Pepper's chest and legs were covered in that brownish, black tinted blood, and bits of the putrefied insides had stuck to her as they'd embraced. Her pristine pink bow had been stained too, one of its ends dripping the putrefaction down onto her face. She couldn't hold in her stomach anymore, promptly turning around and throwing up violently. Salt looked over at her, though still not moving from where she lay.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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