In her hands were several bowls of food as the animals rushed to her with excitement. She set them down and watched with admiration as the small animals ate from the bowl.

Despite seeing nothing out of the extraordinary, Y/n still found it odd how so many animals were looking forward to seeing her.

Y/n was just about ready to walk back inside and mind his business when he noticed an small bird on the ground.

The bird was rather old with ruffled up gray feathers and what looked to be bags over its eyes. Not to mention, the bird seemed to have it's wings bleeding with small scratch marks on it.

Most likely a cat tried to eat it and he bird flew away but not before sustaining some injuries in the process.

Y/n looked at the small bird and picked it up with one hand. He looked to the girl and was wondering if an animal lover like her could help.

He walked over to the pink haired girl.

Y/n: Excuse me ?

Before he could talk more the girl let out a small squeak before jumping into some bushes, Y/n quirked his eyebrow, unsure of what he just saw.

Y/n: Hey wait! I need your help with something.

No response. Y/n saw the girl's eyes peer from the bushes with the foliage shaking a bit.

Y/n: Please, I know you care about animals a lot and this bird really needs your help.

Still no response.

The vigilante sighed, he knew this type of people. So shy and introverted that they hide and tremble away at any sign of meeting a new person.

He use to act this way prior to adopting Clara as his sister, except he would lash out at them with curses.

Y/n laid the small bird on the ground as he examined the wing. He picked up a small leaf and few blades of grass.

As Y/n tried patching the bird up, unbeknownst to him, the pink haired girl was watching with a small curious eyes.

Y/n: Aw fuck, come on. Just get in the loop, you stupid grass.......

Pink haired girl: Here let me try.

The new high school kid looked up to see the pink haired girl, carrying an small emergency bag as she knelt down to his side.

Y/n: The bird was probably scratched by a cat and I was hoping you could help patch it up.

Pink haired girl: It's alright I got it.

The girl expertly applied some bandages on it and sewed up any open wounds the cat had given the poor bird.

When done, the girl lifted the small bird into the air and let it fly away. The two of them smiled while looking at the bird fly.

Then Y/n turned to the girl who looked ready to jump back into the bushes to avoid contact with him.

However Y/n grabbed her wrist before she could do so.

Y/n: W-Wait! I want to talk, please.......Can I know your name ?

Pink haired girl: (Quietly) I-I'm Fluttershy.

Y/n: Fluttershy ?

Fluttershy: You heard me ? How ?

Y/n:Well I have been told that I have excellent hearing so yeah, I guess I could hear you if I wanted to.

He chuckles as Fluttershy looked at him with wide eyes then a small smile with a blush on her cheeks.

The Prince of Seasons (Equestria girls X Male reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt