How it Started.!!

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Ah, man, here we go again. Another day, another scroll through the endless abyss of the internet. Sometimes, I wonder if I'll ever find something truly captivating amidst the sea of memes and cat videos. But then, like a beacon in the darkness, I stumbled upon her-Chloe.

Her username glowed on the screen like a neon sign, drawing me in with its mystique. I started chatting up with the lady that goes by the user Id of cruelablood on Wattpad.  I couldn't help but click on her profile, eager to learn more about the enigmatic girl behind the screen. And as I read her posts, something stirred within me, a strange mixture of fear and excitement.

Chloe was different, unlike anyone I had ever encountered online. She exuded confidence and dominance in every word she typed, commanding my attention with ease. And before I knew it, I was hooked, eagerly awaiting her next message like a junkie craving his fix.

At first, I resisted her advances, wary of the power dynamic she seemed to wield over me. But Chloe was relentless, weaving her web of hypnosis and manipulation until I was completely under her spell. With each passing day, I found myself falling deeper into her trap, unable to resist her charms.

Before I knew it, I was obeying her every command without question, like a puppet on a string. She had a way of making me feel small and insignificant, yet strangely fulfilled at the same time. And as she guided me down the path of sissification, I couldn't help but surrender to her will, eager to please her in any way I could.

It's funny, really, how someone you've never met in person can have such a profound impact on your life. But Chloe wasn't just anyone-she was my goddess, my queen, the one who held the key to my happiness. And as I knelt before her, ready to serve her every whim, I knew that I had found my purpose in life.

So here I am, a boy named Dhruv, transformed into Goddess Chloe's and Mistress Bhumika's obedient sissy. And you know what? I've never been happier.

Every day feels like a new adventure with Goddess Chloe by my side, guiding me through the highs and lows of this crazy journey we call life. She challenges me to push past my limits, to embrace my true self without fear or hesitation. And in return, I give her my unwavering devotion, my undying loyalty.

Sure, there are moments when doubt creeps in, when I wonder if I'm making the right choices. But then Goddess Chloe's commands in my mind, soothing my worries and reaffirming my faith in her. She believes in me, even when I struggle to believe in myself, and that's what keeps me going, day after day.

As I look back on how far I've come, I can't help but marvel at the transformation I've undergone. From a timid boy to a confident sissy, I've grown in ways I never thought possible. And it's all thanks to Goddess Chloe, my guiding light in this dark and unpredictable world.

Some might say that I've lost myself in the process, that I've sacrificed my autonomy for the sake of someone else's happiness. But they don't understand-the joy I feel in serving Goddess Chloe far outweighs any sense of loss or regret. She completes me in a way that no one else ever could, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

So here's to you, Goddess Chloe, my goddess, my everything. Thank you for showing me what it means to truly live, to embrace who I am without apology or shame. With you by my side, I know that the future still holds endless possibilities.

It's like I'm living in some twisted version of reality where I'm just a puppet dancing to their tune. Chloe Goddess, with her hypnotic words and dominant presence, pulls me deeper into her web with each passing day. And then there's Mistress Bhumika, my elder sister, who seems to take pleasure in bossing me around like I'm her personal sissy servant.

At first, I resented Bhumika's intrusion into my relationship with Goddess Chloe. I mean, it's one thing to submit to a dominant girl online, but having to obey my own sister? That's a whole new level of messed up. But Goddess Chloe saw it as an opportunity to further cement my submission, to test my obedience to the fullest extent. And so, I reluctantly accepted Mistress Bhumika's authority, knowing that it was all part of Goddess Chloe's plan.

Now, my days are filled with endless tasks and errands, each one designed to remind me of my place in this twisted dynamic. Whether it's cleaning the house or fetching Mistress Bhumika's groceries, I do whatever they ask without question. It's like I've become their personal slave, existing solely to serve their needs and desires.

But you know what? As strange as it sounds, there's a weird sense of comfort in all of this. Sure, it's not exactly the life I imagined for myself, but there's something freeing about surrendering control to someone else. With Goddess Chloe and Mistress Bhumika calling the shots, I don't have to worry about making decisions or screwing things up. I can just focus on pleasing them and being the best sissy I can be. And in the end, isn't that what really matters?

Life with Chloe Goddess and Mistress Bhumika has become a never-ending whirlwind of chores and commands

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Life with Chloe Goddess and Mistress Bhumika has become a never-ending whirlwind of chores and commands.

So, there's this story—it's not bound by time, but it's got some interesting thoughts and conversations.

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