House of Surprise

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Nina's POV

Nina went to her door and to her surprise, Eddie was standing there.
"Eddie! I've missed you all so much!"
"Everyone's missed you too, especially Fabian," Eddie joked, "Anyway, are you excited to go back?"
"I can't believe we're going back! It's all thanks to Amber, I never thought she would talk to Mr Sweet the way she did. I'm so excited and happy and in a way, I'm pleased. Pleased I'm going back, pleased that you lost your powers. Pleased that Amber talked to Mr Sweet the way she did and persuaded him to make the school a collage as well. Pleased I'm going to see Fabian again," I told Eddie, "Wait did I just say that? I really didn't mean that..."
"Yeah sure you didn't mean it," Eddie said sarcastically, poking me in the ribs and making me blush furiously.
"Stop it, you're turning into Amber," I replied, "Anyway, why are you here? Do you want to come in?"
"Yeah, that would be nice," Eddie said, "We need to talk."
"I know," I replied, "Do you think it's safe, going back?"
"Yeah. As you know, I lost my powers so the chosen one and the osirion aren't together, it's perfectly safe," Eddie replied, "Anyway it's almost 10 at night, I better go home."
"I'll ask gran if you can stay if you want, there's a spare room opposite mine, and it's 10 o'clock, in 5 minutes precisely I shall want to hear a pin drop!" Nina said, mimicking Victor.
"Thanks Nina, that would be great," Eddie laughed. Nina asked her gran and her gran agreed. Nina told him and they both went to their rooms to get into pyjamas and decided to play truth or dare, but on iMessage so they didn't disturb Nina's gran, who was also going to bed.

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