The Beginning

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I never knew where my life may end up after college, but as I stared at the beautiful Cathedral in front of me I smiled. During college I had majored in Psychology and minored in Music. I didn't think anything of it, just something I had always been interested in. The second that my fingertips had touched a piano at Eleven, it had felt like fate. I always wanted to be a psychiatrist, to help people live outside of their heads as I had years ago. Music was the saving grace for me, the sound of the keys soothed my soul. I knew that musical therapy was a thing but always shied away from it. I was unsure what people would think of me. But as I lifted my floor length scarlet hued dress to not stumble, I felt sure that I had made the right decision. Coming to this performance tonight was like a breath of fresh air, a redemption to all of my doubt towards music. The beautiful floor length silks by the entrance looked extremely lavish as I entered. Beautiful men and women spoke to each other in cliques, holding champagne glasses and making small toasts over the evening. Several people turn to what looks like observe me, all with shy smiles dancing across their lips. I offer warm, kind smiles in return for pleasantries. As I make my way through the beautiful Architectual building, I hear a voice call out. Not loudly as to disturb other guests, but enough for me to hear a few feet away.                                                                    "Rosaliana dear, there you are," A small but graceful voice calls to me in the midst of the crowd. I spin around in a few steps and look to the woman walking towards me. My best friend and mentor, Lillie. The corners of my lips upturn as I watch the slightly taller woman approach me, arms out as if to engulf me in them. I stepped closer to her making my way into her arms. As our bodies connected, my arms squeezing lightly from underneath her shoulders. I smell the perfume on her pulse point. I take in a breath of her presence and hint notes of cinnamon that I had been accustomed to. She broke the hug ever so slightly to peer at my face. Her hazel eyes danced across my face. "You look absolutely breathtaking tonight." She praised me.                             "Thank you," I reply happily. "You do as well." Returning the favor, I notice our choice of makeup was similar. Both wearing dark red lipstick, winged eyeliner and a smudged eye. The only difference was how much darker my choice of eye pigment was than hers. I knew it was because of the contrast in skin tone. Lillie was extremely pale. Not enough to look sick but as to look like the reincarnated sleeping beauty. He very blond hair only added to the look, which was shoulder length in beautiful beach waves. I had an almost tan to my skin. Both of our complexions grabbing looks from on-goers. As she moved from my front to my side, she looped her arm around mine. Smiling while looking down briefly I ask the woman, "So, how has your night been so far?"                                                                                                                                                                She smirked at me with the same one I'd begin to adore about her, she spoke up batting a playful hand. "You know, the usual. Nothing too exciting happens being a pianist." With this, I laughed lightly. I knew that she had had an eventful day when she messaged me at noon asking me for help. She only ever does that when she cannot figure out the perfect note combination. It stresses her out beyond a doubt with her boss on her behind every day wanting something new. I never knew why she didn't just quit that job since she hated it so much. There were plenty of other agency's that would except, maybe even buy her talent. I rolled my eyes playfully walking along with her.                                                                                                                                                                           "Yeah, sure. And that's why you texted me eight hours ago for help." This time she was the one to return a playful eyeroll. "I was seriously losing my mind earlier, thank you for your help." I couldn't help but smile. Yes, Lillie was one of the most experienced pianists I knew, but yet she still needed the occasional help from me. I didn't blame her. A high stakes job like that where you need to be perfect 24/7 would be harsh on anybody. Besides, I didn't mind helping the woman who even got me motivated to pursue music along with psychology in the first place. As we followed the crowd into a seating area, I noticed the seats with our names where in one of the best viewing places. It took so much effort for me to not begin squealing like a little girl again. Tonight was going to be perfect, one where I could relax and get emotional motivation for music. To my ears, music tells a story. It's not just a string of words but emotions stuffed into one song. The melody of the symphony told many things. Sadness, despair, love, happiness, alluring feeling. Emotion is the key to the soul and the orchestra was the key to mine. As we took our seats on a vintage looking wide stool, Lillie showed the pamphlet. She smiled up widely at me, I already knew what she was going to say. She was just as poetic about music as I was.                       "This will be the best two hours of my life." She exclaimed quietly as the audience was beginning to die down and the lights were being dimmed. She grabbed onto my hand with a squeeze as a dark voice came on the introduce to groups of instruments. The tapping of palms that was heard filled the silence until it eventually ended. As the first low note from the piano drifted across the room a warm drift of air passed my neck. I reached my hand up feeling nothing until looking around before focusing on the wonders in front of me. When I turn, I can only describe something unreal. The lowest but most alluring voice I've ever heard drifted to me. 

"Can you hear the symphony?"

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