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Hi guys it's your author "Kara". I'm back with a new story and I hope you like it. Please vote and show your support and please don't be a silent reader. I need support and check out my other books too.............
Okay let's start

             ~Isabella pov~
It was a cold morning and we were all waking up from our naps. It was interesting how we loved to live our lives without a care in this world. Having a tight knit sisterly bond had a lot of perks and today was one of them. The oldest Miley who was 21 years old, middle child Evelyn who was 18 years old and finally the last child Isabella who was 16 years old. Our parents were downstairs chatting to themselves, and a half eaten toast laid on the table quite comfortably. My brother was typing furiously on the phone and I couldn't help but chuckle. Brian was older than me with only 3 years but he behaved more childish than me, I said while thinking to myself.
"Whatever", my brother replied leaving me shocked. It was like he read my mind. I was about to engage my mind in this task when Miley snapped me out of it with her fake Spanish accent " okay guys róll it up, we are leaving in 2 minutes" I rolled my eyes and promptly moved to the door and happily waved at my parents and brother goodbye


~Miley POV~

looked at my sister waving at my parents with a half smile on my face."If only she knew that was the last time she'll see them again" My smile almost faded but I quickly collected myself when I saw my sister. Only me knew what was going to happen and i was sure to not feel guilty or*so I thought*

We arrived at the club at the exact time, and I quickly looked around but to my dismay, i saw no sign of him anyway. "The plan must go on" I voluntarily said repeating in my head. Isabella noticed and asked me if I was okay, and I nodded all the while taking a last glimpse of her face. She stared at me confusingly and then proceeded to walk to the dance floor when a man smoothly went behind me and made me pass out
The last thing I remembered was my two sisters screaming my name, and Isabella gathering all her courage to shoot a gun before fainting. I wished I could tell her how sorry I am, I should have never been jealous of her and how proud I am of her
           ~But It was too late~

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 29 ⏰

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