Chapter 2

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I awake to a bright light dancing over my face. I throw the covers off of me and jump out of bed. I walk over to my closet and grab a satin blue cloth. I take off my nightgown and wrap the cloth around my body, snapping the ends together with a sparkling gold rose clip. I grab my sack and walk downstairs.

In the kitchen my father is slipping on his sandals, my mother saying goodbye to him. I grab some grapes and say goodbye, my brother steps behind me.

I walk up to my school. It is a large building with a faded white exterior. The wooden doors are grand and seem more as an entrance to a large banquet hall, rather than the hell hole called school. I open the door and walk down the hall filled with juvenile students. When I reach my class room, the one for gifted and advanced children few of the students not in my class meet my eyes. Most of them look my age so I'm guessing they heard last nights news and are doubting themselves.

Inside my classmates are running around singing childish songs, worshipping fictional characters.

In the center of the room a few boys stand laughing, I know them as John, Jerry, David, Bill and Henry. John leans over and looks at the papers that an average size blonde girl is attempting to hide.

Her name is Edith, the prime target that the boys use to 'get a good laugh.' Not all the boys do this only the jerks who have nothing better to do than attack others and suck the confidence out of them. Everyone is effected by it in different ways, some dismiss it. Others cower, in some cases the victim enjoys the pain.

"What's this?" He says swiping the paper from her. John waves it in the air like a flag, I can see just enough of it to recognize the paper as last nights math homework.

"Give it back!" Shouts Edith who is now jumping up to grab her homework.

"Geez, I was just curious no need to be so feisty." He says handing it back. Edith stomps over to the other side of the room and continues her unfinished homework. A shorter boy with brown hair, Greg and a taller blonde girl with glasses, Amy, try to comfort her.

As I walk over to my friends I notice that John is recreating the incident with Edith that happened moments ago.

Jerk. I think to myself.

In the right hand corner of the room my award, but amazing friends stand in a circle talking. Together we are an quite the surreal bunch.

Katrina is a tall girl with blue eyes and brown hair that is almost always pulled back, away from her face.

Jane is average height with brown eyes and black hair left down covering most of her face.

Patricia is also average height with choppy strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes.

Jennifer is a little shorter than Katrina who has brown eyes, large glasses and short, puffy, burnt blonde hair.

Maya is a short girl with light brown hair and hazel eyes.

When I get closer I hear the last bit of their conversation. "Hey, I can't take a joke." Katrina says in a tone that makes me think she's mocking someone.

"Careful, if you keep bulling me I'll send you to the office." Jane says wagging her finger also in a mocking voice.

I immediately recognize what they are doing. Picking fun at Edith. I guess everyone in this class is different levels of jerk.

"That was pretty mean though." Maya says putting her head down in sympathy.

"So, she still overreacts sometimes." Jennifer says leaning to the side.

"What's up, I say jumping in, as if I didn't hear any of the conversation and just joined in.

"It was opinions on classmates, but now it's gossip." Jane says excitedly.

"Ooh! I have a great topic." Katrina says. "The real reason why we are being tested is so that the government can create an elite force of scientists. Then they will have the elite team of scientists build mechanical warriors."

"As if." Jane says. "Not everyone believes that silly story."

"But it's true." Katrina says assuringly. "I heard my dad talking about it during one of his defense meetings. I also heard someone else in his meeting say that the government was going to test it on the exiled Atlantans."

"R- really?" Maya says terrified.

"Well that part I made up, it could happen though. I mean if the government is so smart I would imagine that they came up with a plan to stop the minority's from uprising." Katrina says weighing the possibilities.

"You know what time it is, get to your seats class!" From the corner of the room our short, old, mean, note addicted teacher struts to her main desk. Her hair is grey with failed blonde highlights. She has glasses and, well I have no clue what color her eyes are. Honestly haven't been able to look at her long enough without her staring into my soul. Her name is Mrs. Maen, but behind her back she is better know as Mrs. Mean.

Everyone rushes to their seats without a word. "Take out lesson 12-5 worksheet A." She commands. Papers shuffle and worried looks appear on some faces.

Mrs. Maen takes out a stack of papers and begins to call out names of students in the class. She is checking to make sure everyone has their homework. People give excuses and pretend that they finished the assignment. Those people are usually sold out by someone around them, John was all to happy to point that out when it was Edith's turn to prove she had her homework.

We go over the work and I check off about four of the 18 problems. Some people mark them all incorrectly, while others like Katrina read because their certain that their paper is 100% correct.

When we are done Mrs. Maen puts her papers away. This confuses me, we have plenty left to do. Seconds before I rase my hand she begins to speak.

"Alright students." She says in a cherry tone, trying to hide the fact that her 'wonderful' trip to north Europe was canceled due to the new 'test' we must take. It doesn't work.

"I know you all must be confused about the new test." She says her 'cherry' tone gone. "I hope I can clear any confusion with this explanation. The government has discovered a way that will allow a juvenal child the ability to choose the perfect career. In just a few moments we will head down to the mess hall, there each and every one of you will step into a chamber which will offer you 12 short answer and multiple choice questions. Which you will respond to the best of your ability.

It's important that you do so because your answers will create a simulation that will determine your career. The simulations will vary from deadly battlefields to quiet buildings. The way you handle your simulation will also play a part in determining your career. If a career is not found for an individual they will be offered two choices, a Janitors job or exile to Greece. Those who pass will study their career for the remainder of the week. When the last day of studying arrives you will take a written test to decide your position within your career. No one will fail that test."

Everyone is stunned by this news. I could hardly control my breathing. "Stand up." Mrs. Maen commands. "Time to go take your tests."

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