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As soon as I found her location, before anything has happened I can hear Briana's scream from inside so,

I bust through the wall, adrenaline kicking in, once I saw her condition. Laid down, strapped in ropes with a tape around her mouth.

I quickly threw my Mjolnir hammer at Loki's wingmen and called it back. Soon after I faced Loki, in anger. "Wow! What took you so long, Thor?" he snarls evilly and smirking at me.

"Loki, this is no laughing matter. You must let her go." I glared at him. "Oh come on, Thor. She needs to know the truth." he exclaimed, joking which I did not find the least bit hilarious.

"Don't make us fight, brother." he laughed menacingly, still not listening and does the opposite. he was about to do another spell on her, which I definitely did not tolerate that.

Dear Odin, help me from hurting Loki', I got to him before he could get to her, then he vanished.

I took a breather and walked towards Briana, if she remembers at least.


I must have fainted, when I woke up, I woke up to a voice, a very deep husky voice. As my eyes open, I look upwards to see ocean blue like eyes, however they look very familiar to me and I don't know why.

"Hey, are you ok?" he asked me softly, face full of worry and concern. I shook my head 'yes' since I still cannot talk. He's untangling me out of the ropes and gently takes the tape off.

I smiled in thanks. for a moment we took a very good look at each other, stuck in his mesmerising eye's just as he is in mine. Soon I started remembering a memory, again but this time it is the same little boy again. This man that saved, looks just the same as him. I am not to sure.

'He sure is handsome' I thought. I then lifted up my right hand as it lands on his left cheek. "You look very familiar. I must know you, but I don't know where." ending the silence and furrowed my eyebrow at him, confused.

He just smiled at me, with a sense of hope in his eyes. "Don't worry, sweetheart time will reveal itself but I will be here to help you, love." I nodded " now, let's get you home.

which direction is the right way?" Unexpectedly, he carried me by the hips. "Hold on tight." which I did as we flew away from this treacherous place.

He dropped me home while thanking him with a small smile. we glanced at one another, and was lost in each other. Before he left, I stopped him by his arm. "Wait!" he then turned around to face me "I did not gather your name."

he smiled gently at me. "My name is Thor. Thor Odinson and yours miss...." Saying this, he grabbed my palm and kissed the back of it, which caused sparks and butterflies to erupt through me.

I blushed like a tomato, and he gave me his cheeky grin as he winked at me. my heart almost stopped there and then. I giggled at his cheekiness. "Bria. Bria Clameta. Or I thought I was." he chuckled and slowly retreats backwards. "But how do you know me? Or knew where I was?"

He chuckle yet again, " As I said Time will reveal itself."

"Well, Miss Bria. It was lovely to see you. I hope you feel better, I will come and visit soon, love." showing me his beautiful smile and I said "thanks again, Thor! I hope to see you soon!" and I waved at him as he flew off, leaving me in front of my house.

I then sighed out in frustration after he left. Everything came back to me, the kidnap incident, the person who took away my memories, seeing that familiar man who his name is Thor, and what is worse, my mom who isn't even my real mom lied to me all these years about me being adopted.

" UGH! Things could not get worse today I hope." complaining as I entered inside the house. I looked at my phone and it said it was only 5.50pm. That's good.

I sighed in exhaustion as I go into the kitchen. "Oh Bria! Good Afternoon. Oh my goodness! what happened pumpkin you look a mess." she came to help me clean my bruises.

"D-don't call me that." I mumbled as I looked at the floor, very upset, not able to look her in the eyes. "Sorry?" I then gritted my teeth.

"I said don't call me 'Pumpkin' mom! Or if your even my real mom for that matter!" I yelled out, tears finally fell out my eyes. Her eye's widen in shock. Completely stunned that I said the unexpected.

"B-but how did you?" I cut her short "what? you mean how you did not tell me someone erased my memories at five years old and abandon me, and not only that you kept it hidden until I am nineteen! I-I was kidnapped and someone forced some hocus pocus magic and forced me to remember some memories I never thought I had!"

when I was finished, she was speechless. I didn't give her time to say anything, I ran straight into my bedroom and slammed my door, ran into my bed and continuing shedding tears until I fell asleep.


I got out of bed, jumping straight into the shower and clearing my head ' I feel bad, but she still lied to me for so many years.

As soon as I got outside the shower, I heard my phone ring. "Hello?" motioning to my phone and answered it. "Hey, Bria. It's Kaiden, hope your good. I was calling you about the festival, tomorrow. Are you still coming?" ' oh I completely forgotten' I replied quickly "Oh, about that. I won't be able to attend today, I'm sorry." I apologetically responded.

"No, no it's okay. I understand. Well, I will see you in class on Monday." I thanked him, disconnecting the call and getting ready.

Out of nowhere, I hear the door as I finish dressing up. I wonder who's at my door at this time. speaking to myself as I ran to the door and open it. I smiled towards him hey. Ah, Thor. Its just you. Come in. I exclaimed in shock as I had let him through, and we went to sit down on the couch.

Im sure you have a lot of questions, Love. And I am her to answer them and to help you along the way. he breaks the comfortable silence as I nodded, keeping quiet to hear some explanations.

Okay, so first. How do you know me? looking at him filled with curiosity. Well, you are to not remember but, weve known each other for a long time. Since childhood. I have brother named Loki, the one that kidnapped you, unfortunately.

Anyway, me, you and Loki was best friends. Your parents were neighbours and friends with my parents, until disaster, struck on your planet and we got separated. You and your mother went missing from then on. Ive been looking for you and your mother.

But I haven't found a trace of your parents till this day. Wow that was a lot to hear. Oh. Okay but why was I kidnapped? still not sure whether to believe him or not. Because a lot of metahumans on other planets has hated your people, and you being the Cleopatra Princess, with large amount of power and for other reasons is unknown to me. They want to kill you.

I nodded in understanding as he kept explaining other things between me him and Loki, we shared laughter's at the story he told me about Loki tricking him.

Wait. If Loki was my friend, then how comes he tried to fry my brain out? he looked at me confused to my comment. fry? I do not understand i giggled at his cluelessness. Its cute.

What I mean is why did he try to hurt my brain with whatever he was using. Magic, yeah thats it.He sighed at the mention Loki. He must be really annoying to Thor. I too am not sure. He is the God of mischief, or probably working for someone to kill you. But I won't let that happen. I smiled as he reassured me.


After getting to talking, understanding each other, I realised I can really trust Thor. Me and Thor went for a little walk as he explains more about me being the princess of cleopatra. I still couldn't believe it.

Honestly Thor, it is hard to believe all of this is even real or possible. It feels very impossible to be real. I mean, I just only found out that most of my life was lie. Thank you, Thor for coming today and explaining it to me, I might not remember right now, but I know that I will eventually, and I would have you to thank. I spilled my emotions out to him.

The impossibleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora