Prologue: A Spy and an Assassin Meet

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At a party for elites, you were mingling with some of the guests. You tapped your glasses together and received information on the executive hosting the party.

"Talk with Lucks, then gather what you can on TasCorp," the message read.

You went over to Lucks and said "A very fine evening. Even better with this party."

Lucks: "Indeed. TasCorp has made many breakthroughs in VR technology that allowed this to be possible. Consider this a tribute to those that work hard to achieve their goals."

"To those working hard for those more powerful than them," you thought to yourself.

You talked with Lucks for half an hour and gradually gained his trust.

Lucks: "So EuroDyne is working on some projects?"

"Yes, and they claim it will improve those who have fallen into poverty."

Lucks: "Interesting. Care to share some with a drink?"

"Of course."

You and Lucks walked away, and you saw a girl with familiar dark brown hair. You went to Lucks' room and drank some wine with him.

Lucks: "I'm not a fan of how those lower than us expect us to solve their problems. If they really desire a better life, they should work for us and make sure they don't mess up."

You hated everything he said, but kept your poker face.

Lucks: "There's an orphanage that has reason to exist anymore. I'm going to propose that it gets demolished and turned into a recruitment facility."

Suddenly, Lucks is shot in the head and you turned to see the girl holding a silenced pistol in her hand with smoke coming from the barrel. She ran away and you chased after her through the building and to a fire escape.

You chased her across the rooftops until she reached a dead end. She turned around and you recognized her face from when you were younger.


The girl widened her eyes as she heard you say her name and began to remember you clearly.


Maki: "Y/N?"

"It's me. Y/N."

After a minute of silence, you said "So... This isn't the reunion I was expecting."

Maki: "Same. It's been years since you were adopted from the orphanage."

"That is a long and unexpected story."

Maki: "So... are you going to kill me?"

"Are you going to kill me?"

Maki: "Depends on your decision."

You paused for a minute before saying "I want to see if I'm still good at playing hide and seek. You get a head start".

Maki: "I don't know how much you've changed since the orphanage."

"It's a pretty messed up story."

Maki: "Same for me."

She jumped over the side and you saw that she had a rocket pack hidden on her. She flew away as you messaged to your superiors "Target was killed by an assassin".

"Our intel just gave us that warning too late," the reply read. "Return to headquarters. There's something we need to tell you."

"Roger," you replied before putting away your glasses and looking at the direction where Maki flew for a minute before walking away. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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