CHAPTER 21 | Day 5 Part 2

Start from the beginning


"Be careful." Pink says, causing BigB to stop in his tracks. Pink points to his right, and right there is a ravine, with a sign labelling it some distance away.

"Oh! This must be where Denis died!"

Pink hadn't made that connection, but it makes sense - if he'd died there, and supposedly lots of people saw, of course they'd leave a warning for others in the future.


They're sort of just walking around - BigB decided that there's still people they haven't had the chance to see yet, and so they're hoping to find their bases and just chat. A bit boring, and not really his style - he doesn't really talk to any of these people - but BigB seemed eager.

BigB's still quite happy with what happened earlier, and said he hoped this would mean that Tanqr would start...well, start not antagonising people.

Pink isn't quite sure of that. Even with Hyper helping - and by helping, he means telling Tanqr to be a normal person who doesn't immediately choose violence - Tanqr doesn't seem like he's going to change any time soon. While he's not showing it, Pink's already preparing to fight him.

So they're walking through the plains, not paying much attention, when there's a voice.

"Oh my god hi!!! Guys, look, look, it's BigB and Pink!"

Leah waves frantically at the group as she calls out to her teammates. BigB smiles as he waves back, and Pink figures he should probably wave too - though with less excitement.

Sanna and Ashley filter out of the trees as Leah runs towards the two.

"We haven't seen you the whole time, where have you been?!" Leah questions excitedly.

"Ah, we just haven't come over this way yet. Glad to see you're so excited to-"

"You saw us yesterday." Pink interrupts BigB's greeting. Leah looks like she wants to make a witty retort, but by that point, Ashley's caught up to the group.

"He's not wrong, Leah."

"Yeah, well, I mean we saw you yesterday, but we haven't chatted one-on-one, y'know?" she explains, much to Ashley's amusement.

"Sure, totally."

"Makes sense to me." Pink shrugs.

"As I was saying, hi, guys! Glad to see you're excited to see us." BigB finishes his greeting, having waited patiently to do so.

"Well, of course we'd be." Sanna says, finally joining the group. "You guys let us have the enchanting table." As she says that, Pink notices the shiny, clearly enchanted iron tools by her hip.

"I still don't understand why you enchanted your axe, Sanna." Leah teases. "Seeing as you're so adamant they're useless."

"Mine's super sharp though, Leah, so it might be slightly more helpful now." Sanna retorts.

"Sharp for cutting through people, not for cutting down trees." BigB clarifies, now that the topic has been brought up. "Don't get it mixed up. Sanna, you've now got a good weapon."

"Oooooh, yeah, that makes sense." Sanna mischievously grins at Leah and Ashley. "See, told you it was better suited not cutting down trees."

"That's what axes are for. Why were you using anything else?" Pink asks, concerned.

"Yeah, Sanna, why were you using anything else?" Ashley immediately jumps on Pink's statement, making him a little unsure how to react.

"If we can punch trees to cut them down, why aren't we doing that more regularly?"

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