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God why can't we upgrade a little and add two Sundays, believe me, I am in desperate need for it. It's sickening how close Sunday is to Monday yet how far Monday is from Sunday.
If you find the above fact relatable, please sign your petition for this extra Sunday.

Enough blabbering, it's Monday again and I am supposed to go to the office but today is also my first day. Yes, the unwanted guest made his untimely entry today.

While some people may think it's a blessing to have irregular periods, trust me it's not. Because it multiplies the pain, the mood swings, cravings and every other thing.

Ed asked me to take off for a few days but I didn't listen to him like every other time. Hehehe

But seriously what would I do without this man in my life? He packed a special lunch for me and bought me chocolates, flowers and pain relief medicine. He even packed some soup for me. I love him the most but don't tell him I said this.

He dropped me at Atkins and made me promise him that even if I felt the slightest discomfort, I'd call him immediately.

It's been some 5 years since I started menstruation and like every other girl, I didn't let it affect my work though it hurts like hell. But the care my brother showers on me and how delicately he treats me is a blessing. It makes periods bearable.

Though I came to the office, I am in no mood to interact with my boss today. I am scared that I may lose my calm today since my mood swings bring out the worst in me.
So my today's mantra for surviving is to avoid my boss at all costs.

All my plans went down the drain when there was a knock on my door at 12.

"Miss Avaline, there is a lunch meeting I would like you to accompany me to." How come I, his assistant didn't know of any such meeting?

"I haven't scheduled any lunch meeting sir." I said.

"Yes, I arranged it directly. We'll be leaving in ten." Strange but I can't deny my boss.

We went to a fancy restaurant and sat in a private room silently for 10 minutes.

"Sir, do you want me to contact the client?" I asked.

"The client is already here with his proposal. See if you want to accept it."

"Where's the client and what proposal?" I asked looking around.

"I am the client and the proposal is to get your forgiveness and request you to stop calling me sir as it feels like someone is talking to my grandfather." That was sweet.

"I am not angry with you Mr Atkins."

"That's exactly how you should address my father." He is a cheeky man.

"But everyone calls you this only."

"Yes because I haven't made any deal with them but we have, and you can't go against your words Miss Avaline." He said reminding of the deal we made on my welcome lunch.

"If I remember correctly, which I know I do, you were the one who broke the deal first. I just followed suit." I am stating facts now.

"Guilty as charged. But I am here to make a peace offering. Please allow me." Saying this he signalled the waiter and the next moment, our table was filled with delicacies.
There were at least four types of desserts, pasta in 2 different sauces, pizza with loaded cheese, burger, fries and soft drinks too. So much junk food on a table is heaven for me. Among this mouth-watering and soul-calming food, there was a plate of salad, ruining the whole vibe.

"This is too much food." I exclaimed.

"Don't worry, pick your selection and we can donate the rest." Hmm, Good idea.

I nodded and attacked the pizza and fries.

"Are you sure you will be eating that?" I asked scrunching my face at his salad.

"Yes. So have you forgiven me now?" He asked though I wasn't angry at him, just a little scared (more than little). I thought of playing a tiny trick on him.

"I will if you throw that salad and devour this beauty in front of us."

"Anything for you" he murmured kept the salad aside and pulled the pasta towards him. His sentence and actions made me blush.

Halfway through the lunch, I could feel my cramps worsening. I had the medicine in the morning but it's wearing off and the junk food I am eating is not helping at all.
My face scrunched in pain while I tightly clutched the tablecloth.

"Hey Avaline, what's wrong? Are you hurting somewhere?" My boss asked worriedly and in no time he was beside me. He was x-raying me for any visible injuries. I had none, but still, I was bleeding.

As the pain subsided a little, I took deep breaths to calm myself down.

"I am fine. It's nothing to be worried about, sorry for all this, I spoiled the mood for the lunch." I said in guilt as he had to stop eating midway.

"Miss Avaline, fuck this lunch and tell me what the problem is." He was barely managing his anger so I tried to be obedient.

"It's that time of the month." It's a little embarrassing to tell your boss that you are menstruating.

"Then why are you eating all this junk, you should eat healthy. Leave this pizza, you'll eat the salad." He said in his strict bossy tone. But he must know that a woman not her periods, doesn't understand that tone and is he freaking kidding me now.

"You want me to ditch this heavenly pizza for the bland, uncooked, unseasoned leaves. In your dreams and my nightmare." I said in disbelief.

"Try to understand, it will worsen your pain."

"I don't want to eat anything, neither the pizza nor the salad, I am leaving."

"Ava listen -"

"Don't follow me, Not unless you have all the desserts parcelled," I said and walked outside the restaurant. While walking out, I heard him laughing, which involuntarily brought a smile to my face.

On our way back, he even brought me some dark chocolates.
"Miss Avaline, I will suggest that you take a few days off and relax at home."

"Mr Neil, I am fine. Even if I were not, this is something which most of the girls have to deal with every month. We can't always sit at home and cry." I said honestly.

"When everyone says that girls and boys are the same and should be treated equally. I don't believe it. You girls are way too stronger than us and deserve to be treated like true queens that you all are."

His words brought tears to my eyes. Blame the hormones for that. I am scared that the tiny crush I had on him, is not tiny anymore.

As we reached the office, he carried the desserts for me and dropped them at my cabin. After trying to work for 30 minutes, I received an email. I was shocked to read its content. It was an official mail, stating that all the female employees are now eligible for a leave for 3 days every month.

Before all this information could sink in, Mr Neil knocked on my door and said,

"Shall I drop you home now...

🌿🌸Author's Time🌸🌿

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