Tired (chap 2)

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Hi guys !! Here is the 2nd chapter, please feel free to vote for it if you like it, and give any ideas in comments ;)
I'll try to update regularly when I'm done with my finals (which is in about a week).

> Chap 2 : 1930 words + no trigger warnings



I wake up by the shuffling next to me, I open my eyes to see Taylor moving around. I put my arms around her to let her know that I'm awake. I say "Good morning sweetie, everything alright ?" She answered "I don't know, I can't seem to be comfortable in any position." I reply "Come here baby, I'm sure you'll be comfortable on me." I move her on me as if I was her new mattress "Are you comfortable now ?" She answers "Yeah, thank you my big teddy bear. And good morning to you too." I asks her "How did you sleep ?" She replies "I was kinda agitated, so I didn't sleep that well, and you ?" I answered "I had a beautiful dream about you. And Tay you should have woken me up if you couldn't sleep." She just kisses me on the lips and we get up and get down to make breakfast.

We enter the kitchen and say good morning to everyone, Wyatt come running towards us screaming "Auntie Tayyy !!" Taylor says picking her up "Hi sweet pea !! How are you ?" She answers "Good because I'm with you." Taylor says "Awww you're such a cutie, I love you Wyatt." I say faking a pout face "I guess nobody cares about uncle Trav, so I'm gonna leave." Wyatt exclaims "Noooo uncle Trav, staaay pleaaase." I take her from Taylor's arms and start to tickle her. Taylor walks to Kylie and asks her as she is feeding Bennett, "Do you need any help ?" Kylie answered "Well Elliott is still sleeping but she has to get up now so could you go wake her up please ?" Taylor smiles widely and nods eagerly, I know she loves being around kids and that makes my heart explode with happiness.


I go upstairs in Elliott's bedroom, she is sleeping peacefully, she is sooo cute. I bend down to sit on her bed and gently stroke her hair and say "Ellie it's time to wake up." She slowly moves and finally turns to face me and says "Hi Taytaaay." I chuckle at the nickname and say "Good morning sleepyhead." She rubs her eyes to get rid of sleep and she extends her arms for me to pick her up which I do. I get her to the bathroom and put some water on her face to clean her up and also to wake her up because I can tell she is still sleepy. Then we head downstairs, and I say "Look who's here." Elliott not wanting to talk to anyone hides her face in my neck. Jason and Travis come to us and Jason says "Ellie don't be silly say Hi to daddy and mommy." She shakes her head in my neck and Travis and I laugh a little. Travis says "Well I guess she got bored of her parents." Kylie come next to us and slaps Travis's shoulder and we all laugh. I say "I think she is just grumpy because she is still sleepy." Kylie hands Bennett to Jason and I try to hand Elliott to Kylie but she is clinging to me. Kylie says "Come on Ellie, it's time for breakfast." Then, Elliott immediately reaches for her mother because she is such a food lover. I say "Well that's a good way to convince her ahah." We eat breakfast all together, after that Travis and I go upstairs to pack our bags because today we are going back to New York.

Once we are all packed, we go back downstairs and I already see Wyatt starting to be upset because we are leaving in a few minutes. I exchange a sad look with Travis and we both say our goodbyes to the family. I say "Thanks for having us guys, it was great to be all together." Jason says "No thank you for coming, we had wonderful days with you." Kylie says "Girls give a last hug to auntie Tay and uncle Trav." Wyatt begins to cry and Kylie hands Bennett to Travis. I crouch down to their level with my arms wide open and I say "I'm gonna miss you girlies, promise me to be good for your parents until we see each other again, okay ?" Travis says "Hey Wyatt don't cry baby girl, we are going to see you soon, maybe you could come visit us to New York." Wyatt whines "But I don't want you to leave." I reply "I know honey, but we have to, I have to go back to work." I rub her back and kiss her head and Elliott's head too. I pick them up both and turn around to make them giggle and it works. Goodbyes with them are so hard every time we see them, and it breaks my heart to see how sad they are. The sadness passes and I kiss Bennie's forehead, Travis hugs the girls and I hug Kylie and Jason. Travis says "Bye guys, and Jason take a good care of that girl team." I chuckle and Kylie says "Bye Tay, keep me update on how life is going, okay ?" I answer "Yeah I will, you too by the way. And as Travis said earlier, don't hesitate to come to New York, it would be great to have y'all there."

We are now at the airport, Travis takes my bags and we go onto the airplane. Once everything is settled, the airplane moves and soon enough we are flying in the air. I'm sitting on the window seat, with my head on Travis's shoulder who is next to me. I sigh contently and say "Your family is wonderful, these girls are such a source of joy." Travis replies "Yeah I know, that's why I love them so much. But not as much as I love you." He kisses my head and I turn my head to kiss his lips lovingly. I yawn and Travis looks at me "You're tired baby ?" I answer "Yeah I'm kind of exhausted like yesterday evening." Travis says "That's weird, maybe if it last we should go to the doctor to check you up." I groan and say "I don't like going to the doctor." He replies "I know sweetie but it's for your health, we have to, and I'll be here with you so you don't have to stress out for that." I say "Thanks you're the best Trav, I love you so much." He answers "Aww I love you too baby girl, now go to sleep, you need some rest." I snuggle closer to him and I close my eyes.

More than an hour later, the plane is landing and that wake me up abruptly and I look around fear plastered on my face. Travis puts his hand on my shoulder and says "Tay it's okay we are just landing." He hugs me while we land and then he asks "How are you feeling ?" I answer "God that's the worst wake up moment, but apart of that, I'm still tired and it sucks." Travis says "I'm sorry I should have woke you up before we were landing so you wouldn't have to be scared." I say "No don't apologies, it's okay. Let's get out, I'm telling the driver we just arrived at the airport." Travis takes my hand and leads me out of the plane, security come to us and said that they were taking our bags and that there were paparazzi. I sigh as they mentioned paparazzi, they are such a pain in the ass. Usually I don't really care about them, but right now I'm tired and I don't want to deal with them, I just want to be alone with Travis. Travis looks at me and says "Are you ready to go out ?" I answer with a sigh "Yeah..." Of course Travis notices my tone of voice and asks "What's wrong ?" I reply "Paparazzi, I know I'm usually use to them being here everywhere I go. But today it's just like I don't know, I don't feel good, I'm so tired." I lean to Travis and he hugs me and says in my ear "Do you want me to carry you ?" I answer "In fact that would be great if there weren't any paparazzi. I can't let them take a picture of you carrying me, Tree would kill me." He nods understandably and suggests "I will hold your hand to whole way to the car, and if you feel uncomfortable or anything just tell me, I'm here to protect you, okay hun ?" I nod and say "Can we walk slower than usual ? As I'm exhausted I know I could trip over anything on the ground." He chuckles and says "No problem clumsy girl, now let's go." I laugh a bit and we make our way out, once we are in the airport I gasp at the number of paparazzi.

One of my security guards approaches us and tell me in my ear "I'm sorry Taylor, the airport security weren't able to control them so that's why there are so much of them, but don't worry it's fine, my colleagues and I got this." I nod and Travis whispers in my ear "I'm here baby don't worry." I smile at him and he wraps his arm around my shoulder and I take his hand, and we walk down the hall. Paparazzi are screaming and can't stop asking questions, it's so annoying. This sucks because the walk from the airplane to the car is a bit long. I try to smile even if I don't feel comfortable, the camera flashes are starting to get to me. I stop in my track and Travis immediately senses something is wrong "Tay tell me what's wrong." Security come closer to us and asks "Everything alright Miss Taylor ?" I say "It's just the flashlight, they are disturbing my vision. I forgot to bring my glasses." Travis suggests "Take my cap, that will help a bit." He puts the cap on my head and we continue to walk, and I keep my head down to avoid flashlights. Travis tightens his arms around me as we are now outside the airport heading to the car, and we are literally in a crowd of people. Security is surrounding us closely, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed so I put my hands to hide my face. Travis feels my hand detached from his and look at me confused. He puts one arms around my waist and the other to put the side of my face on his chest.

We quickly arrive and enter the car. Travis reassures me "We are in the car, it's alright Tay." I say "Damn I don't know why I was so freaked out, it's not like I've never been in this situation." He says "Well these people are so annoying, you have every right to react the way you did." I reply "I'm so thankful that you were with me, because I don't know how I would have handled it." He says "You look exhausted hun, why don't you take a nap ? We still have more than half an hour until we get to your apartment." I cuddle to him and answer "Yeah I could use a nap on my comfortable boyfriend." He laughs and strokes my hair until I fall asleep.

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