Chapter 3

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When it is weekends, Kageyama and his friends go to the palace. Kageyama feels so nostalgic that he's kind of missing the place and the moments that he had with Tsukishima, the emperor himself. But now the palace become a place for the tourist to come and take photos, even looking at it.

They all go to a room where the traditional clothes are at. They try the clothes on and eventually take photos of it as the clothes seems very similiar to the book.

Kageyama looks through the clothes section and one catch his eyes. He take the clothes out and smile a little because this is the clothes that he wears on that timeline. Without giving another thought, he wears it on smoothly and looks at the mirror.

"You look good with it, pipsqueak." Kei says as he approaches Kageyama. Kageyama turns to look at Kei, smiling at him for wearing the clothes that Tsukishima, the emperor had wear when they met each other.

"You look good in it too, babe." Kageyama says as he holds Kei's hand and they both comes out of the room, meeting with others.

Asahi looks and surprise to see Kageyama. "Kageyama, those clothes... look perfect on you. It's like you are the boy crafting out from the book."

Kageyama chuckles. "Yeah. It is as if the boy from the book was describing me out. But I feel like something is missing."

Asahi looks and smiles. "The hair, isn't it?"

Kageyama nods and Hinata says. "Who cares about the hair? You already look perfect like this."

The others nod in agreement and Tsukishima just pats Kageyama on the head.

"Let's have a tour around for now. I'm sure that there will be some places that look exactly like the book had described." Asahi say and everyone nods, walking the places around.

The destination and the views making Kageyama feel hurt, not because of how it stays but the memories of him with Tsukishima still linger in his mind.
Ruri frowns a little as she thinks those buildings and spots just look like Tsukishima's palace, which is exactly just like it. "Emperor, the timeline where Kageyama is in... Do you think he is not in this timeline...?"

"Perhaps he is not from this timeline, dear." Tsukishima says calmly as he looks at the screen, watching Kageyama's every reaction when he looks at the places.

The way Kageyama walks, talks and everything else, even his smile makes Tsukishima feel so dazed as he wonders how long has he last seen Kageyama smile.
A while later, Kageyama walked to other places alone while looking around. He walks through the familiar building and eventually stops at one particular building, the cold palace.

Kageyama takes a deep breath before opening the door with both of his hands, seeing the decorations were still the same and he sits on the bed, the same bed that he died from the timeline.

He notices something on the desk a few seconds later. A scroll that has the pendant of Tsukishima's family symbol.

Kageyama has seen this scroll and the pendant so without a second thought, he opens the scroll and reads the words.

"聘礼..." Kageyama says these two words softly in chinese and gently touch the words, sighing and stay silent when he sees it's his and Tsukishima's wedding vows that were made by the former emperor.

"Yes... The wedding vows that were already made by the former emperor... His father..." Kageyama notices the blank paper, the black ink and the brush on the side of the desk.

He then looks at the papers that have been put up on the wall, writing with sad words or words with blessing for the two of them. But most of the words are filled with hate, the hate for Tsukishima and Ruri, giving him a very bad life and put in the cold palace to let him die.

Kageyama gently takes the paper and places it down on the desk in front of him, then picks up the brush and dip the tip into the ink before he moves to the paper and writes down the words smoothly, but most likely, a letter.

The way he writes the words, the way he holds the brush, is something that modern people won't buy in the present time. But Kageyama held it the traditional way, but mostly it's Tsukishima who teaches him.

Once he stops, he puts the brush down and places the paper on the wall before leaving the cold palace.

"Emperor Kei, I'm here to give you my blessing for your marriage with Ruri. Though you might already have the ministers to find my dead body in the cold palace here by your own words, I'm sure you have no regrets at all."

"After all, you said that I'm an eyesore and don't want to dirty your eyes. Even if you regret it, it's all too late to see me happy for you once again, even in my death."

"You have Ruri now and I have become a memory in your life, forgotten by everyone, Ruri, and you. I'm here to say that I'm happy with my life now and I hope that you are happy too with Ruri who is going to be your wife soon." Kageyama says softly with a smile as if he is talking to Tsukishima.

Later, Kageyama bows down in respect before leaving the cold palace and going back to others, his friends, teammates and his boyfriend.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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