11- Beginning?

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Atsumu's POV

I was at the lobby or waiting area of a university that I don't even know

Why you ask?

Cause today is Krishi's entrance exams, this was actually our 3rd University

It's currently 11 in the morning and soon to be lunch, like I don't get her, how can she take so many exams in a day when I can't even handle 4 subjects in highschool?

Smart people sometimes scare eh

I eventually thought of Kita-san, a cold breeze went to greet me


I stood up and went to look for a nearby food stall at the University


I heard someone called me as I turned around

I noticed it was a girl I don't know obviously, probably a highschooler?

I raised my eyebrows at her as she flinched, am I that scary?

I then noticed she was holding a paper and pen

Oh, my bad

I was about to apologize when she spoke

"I- uh, I'm not a fan of volleyball, but my little brother likes you a lot, can you sign this," she said in a low or maybe shy voice? While looking away blushing, and handing me the paper and pen, "please," she added

I showed her a small smile and took started to do the thing she wants me to

"What's you brothers name?" I asked the girl while still in shock, maybe because I agreed?

"Max," she simply responded

I started to write my short message

'Sup Max, your support towards the MSBY team and I are appreciated, thank you. Always keep same :>'

Before I put my signature I noticed that I got influenced my Krishi, I never used those emojis or whatever it was called in my messages before

I giggled at my thought and started swigling my signature or autograph

I handed the girl the paper while she smiled and took a picture of it and bowed at me because turning around

I look the direction the girl just left, and turning again to my side I see..... krishi

She looks exhausted

And mad?

I ignored it, so I walked towards her and gave her a smile

"How was it?" I asked her and she looked away from me

Um- weird? Why?

She started walking so I followed her

She was acting weird, why though?

I then break the barrier

"Why are you acting all of the sudden?" I asked her while she stopped at her tracks

"I'm not acting mad, I am mad," She said honestly without turning around

"Why?" I raised my eyebrows at her

She turned around and gave me a pouted face

She's so cute

She then rolled her eyes on me and started to walk away again, more like speed walking

I sigh and just accepted she was mad

"Fine, just tell me if you calmed down so I can apologize properly," I told her

Muse || M. AtsumuTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang