1- First Glimpse

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Akira's POV

"who would even think of going to a gymnasium as a fieldtrip for additional knowledge about PE?" I said irritated obviously cause it was so hot outside

"Stop complaining and let's go," My friend Mitchi said in an irritated voice

As we walked towards the tokyo metropolitan gymnasium, this was our field trip

It was required to go due to our subject like what? It's not like it's a major subject or any

As we walked closer we saw our teacher

"Okay, class 3-7, we've arrived." He announced as we and our class were standing and listening to him blubbering

"We came here to observe, and gain knowledge, reminder, so funny business," he added as he looked at... Meee????

"You're hearing me correctly right Akari krishi? No escaping and going to the mall," He warned me before turning around and entering the gym complete

"Oh come on, its not like I can go to the mall, this is an open area," I complain

"Well, you did escape one time, remember in swimming class?" Mitchi ask me

Like, yeah I do remember but that was one time, who wants to go swimming during the winter season anyway

"That was one time," I rolled my eyes and continued to follow the rest of the class

Ball spiking on the floor sound

Ball bouncing sound

Foot steps sound

It was that kind of sounds that welcomed us inside

I sat on the row that our teacher pointed for us to sit on, and like always mitchi is right next to me

I never expected a volleyball gymnasium this huge before

They were lights and it was satisfactory for a Instagram story

I pulled out my phone to take a video, as i was taking a video my phone camera landed on a guy with dark blond dirty something color hair, more like piss no offense... But holy shit

He was hot

I immediately put my phone down and look for him myself personally in my eyes

I saw him, he was flawless

He was wearing a jersey with a number 13 on it, next to him was a curly haired guy with two moles on his forehead

Damn, I can't deny the fact that they're hot stuff

The blond hair guy was holding a volleyball and started to keep bouncing it until he arrived at the end of the court

He stopped bouncing the ball around and put the ball in front of his forehead as he closed his eyes

After that he threw the ball and jumped

For others it was just a normal jump serve but for me

It was in slow motion, he was flawless

Fuck, I think I fell inlove with a complete stranger

I stood up in where I was sitting and went straight down the rows of chair ignoring my teacher who was calling my name

I sat at the very front of the court

There were a lot of people at the gymnasium right now

It looks like a friendly game was about to begin

The announcer started to announce the starting players for the first set

"13, Miya Atsumu, setter"

The announcer said as the guys that I was eyeing since the beginning smiled at the crowd and bowed

He was walking towards the court when our eyes met

It was just a split second, but that got my mind and heart, he was attractive, I cannot deny that fact

I smirk at myself and stared at him directly in his eyes and movements

Well, I'll call it natural, it is our task given by the teacher to obverse

"Atsumu-kun" I mumbled to myself

I flip my hair back and lean my back at my chair to watch him do his sets

"I want to be his muse,"

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