Reunited - Oliver

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My four long years at college were finally over and I was headed home. The excitement of seeing my family and friends after so long overwhelmed me. I had already written to a few of them, arranging plans to meet at the gentlemans club. My arrival was short and sweet, my mother, two sisters and two brothers all greeted me with warm smiles and loving embraces. I wondered where Abigail was, as I figured she'd be out here waiting for me alongside my family, but she was nowhere to be seen. Upon entering the house I quickly went to my sleeping chamber where my window looked into hers, but still I could not see her. Just as I was about to leave, my sister Charlotte informed the family that the Abneys invited us to promenade with them. I told my mother I'd join them later. Already having made plans with my oldest chum Charles. "I'll be off soon mother, I shouldn't be gone long." I informed my mother before calling a carriage.

Charles was already sitting down waiting for me when I arrived. As I walked in I saw the familiar site of the Gentlemans Parlor. Charles saw me and waved me over, "My god it's been long!" He stood and embraced me, giving me a good pat on the back as we sat back down. "So how's life with the Ton been without me?" I asked, smiling, feeling happy to see my friend again after four years. He chuckled a little then responded, "It's been interesting to start, Lady Dunham has been pushing her daughter on me since my return from Asia though." Lady Dunham, mother to only one child, a girl, is well known to try and seduce men on her daughter's behalf. "I'm surprised she wasn't waiting on your doorstep with a marriage proposal." We laughed at his statement and continued catching up, "By the way, I did what you asked of me before you left." His remark confused me, as I did not remember asking anything of him, "Whatever are you talking about?" Charles sighed at my confusion and began explaining, "Before you left you asked I watch over Abigail, make sure she was ok. I have done that for the past four years. I believe she's doing quite alright. Though she still has no prospects, I must say it's impressive how long she's managed to stay off the marriage mart. Not for lack of trying, that is, I cannot tell you how many young lads I've seen her reject." I always figured marriage was not something Abigail wanted as she never showed any interest in boys, even the ones who practically bent over backwards for her attention. "I wonder if she'll be a spinster..." I quickly shut Charles up, not wanting anything bad spoken of my best friend. Time went on and we talked about everything we missed from each other's lives, his trip around Asia, my numerous experiences from college. After a while we ran out of things to share, indicating it was time for me to join my family on their promenade. "Well this has been marvelous but I promised my mother I'd join the family on a stroll. I bid you good day." We smiled and parted ways.

My family was not hard to find as the two youngest of my siblings Aldrich and Audrey were bickering rather loudly, but I guess that is what happens with twins. Upon walking up to my family I saw they were joined by Abigail's parents but she was not there. I asked my mother, "Where is Abigail, I've yet to see her since my return?" She gave me a small smile before hesitating to answer, "Abigail is being accompanied on a stroll by a young man." I simply looked at my mother, surprised Abigail would agree to spend time with a man besides me or Charles. "I think they looked quite good together, don't you mother?" Charlotte, my annoying sister interrupted my thoughts. "I think they'd make a marvelous match." Abigail's mother said while she smiled, looking at me. "Oh there they are!" Charlotte spotted the pair walking back towards us, arms linked, walking very closely together. I watched as the man I recognized as Darren Canwell, leaned in to tell Abi something, making her freeze. Abigail's mother called out to her,  "There you are darling, we've been wondering how long you'd be gone for." My mother interrupted,  "Abigail sweetheart look who's joined us." She then moved aside slightly, pointing to me, who stood behind her. I stared at the pair in almost disgust, not knowing what she could possibly see in him. Abi let go of his arm and dashed towards me, pulling me into a long awaited embrace. I of course hugged her back, not wanting to let go, "I've missed you Abi.." I whispered to her. I then let go of our hug, keeping my hand on her back. I stared at Darren, wondering why he thought he could have a chance of courting Abi. Letting go of her, I strode towards him until we stood face to face. With Abigail out of earshot I began speaking to him, "Darren Canwell... never thought I'd see you here, with her." My words seeped out as if I was trying to spit on him. "Well I had hoped I'd never see you again at all but here we are. Oh and Abigail is fine company, which is why I'll be seeing her again, perhaps even courting her." He smiled his smug triumphant smile I had seen so often in primary school when we were rivals. "I think you've read her wrong, see Abigail does not want a husband, especially you as one." he chuckled only leaving me more confused, "Is that what you think? I find that hard to believe as Abigail herself has told me quite the opposite." Whether he was telling the truth or not I had no idea, all I knew was I wasn't letting him near her again. "Listen you incompetent rake, you will never marry Abigail Abney. You will never see her again. I'll make sure of it." He oohed, mocking me before bidding goodbye to Abi and our families. "Oli what was that?" Abigail ran up to me grabbing my arm, "What I was simply saying hello to an old school mate." She looked at me as if she didn't believe me then walked away, joining her parents. That is when Charlotte and my brother came to me, "You really don't know how to speak to a woman do you?" my idiotic brother Bradley asked. Charlotte laughed with him at me then spoke, "You know dearest brother, it might do you some good to actually get to know Abigail. A lot can change about a person in four years, she might not want to wait around anymore." Her words confused me yet again, what ever was she talking about?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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