Chapter 1 - Confronting The Faker

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When I jumped into the portal, I quickly reflected on the events at that place.


Good old Japan.

While it is strange for it to fall into chaos within a few years after my death, it is ultimately not something I should deal with at the moment.


To further prevent Beta's realization that everything I showed to them was from Japan, my original world. I believe that I was mostly successful in that part, since she could not leave the area easily unlike I. However, she did learn a bit of my native language, and possibly other things, but I should figure out what she really knows later. This was since I had other concerns in regard to keeping up my appearances as Cid Kagenou, not Shadow in this world.

If a random NPC continues to be gone for a mysterious while, some main characters may pay attention to it as a side quest and attempt to reduce my status as NPC to damsel in distress. Sure, it would be an interesting role to act in one day, but I would rather continue in my NPC journey.

When I began to see the still destroyed ground parts of the Orianna Kingdom and the dark clouds in the sky, I could say that I successfully came back from my trip. While I could wait for Beta to come back from the portal or try to find Epsilon and the others regarding what happened while I was gone, I firstly needed to return to school.

It seems like winter break was beginning to end given the slightly warmer weather, but Cid Kagenou's journey will not be stalled by two days from retelling what I experienced. Beta could instead take my place for questioning; she can make up things on the spot. As such, I quickly changed my shadow robes into my Midgar Academy's uniform using slime. I could later change into my actual uniform once I got into my dorm in one piece. After changing, I saw Epsilon run towards me from the corner of my vision.

"Shadow-sama, there is something you need to hear!" Epsilon exclaimed as I prepared to start my Serious Dash. It seems like she was still here in this country, perhaps expanding on her popularity. As she ran towards me, I could see the 90% slime bounce upwards and downwards, a continued feat in regard to her potential in magic.

"Speak quickly."

Her tone quickly changed, as if it was something she did not want to speak comfortably about.

"There are rumors..." she began to speak as I began to get into position for my Serious Dash.

"That there is another copycat attempting to defame Shadow Garden. Alpha will inform you more about it, but they are attempting to copy... Shadow-sama."



"That is all I know, I heard that they will be appearing again in Midgar tonight, so you should get th-"

With my Serious Dash ready, I ran off before Epsilon could finish, but I was able to infer what she would have said at the end. As I continue to run at enormous speeds, I contemplate this new information.

Copycat? An imitation of Shadow? Who could pull such a thing off? Is it some obsessed or crazed criminal who wants to frame me for better or worse? I mean, I am fine with a potential copycat...

But the last group who imitated Shadow Garden made all the wrong choices. Killed random people, made their presence in the daylight, defeating the purpose of a group called Shadow Garden, and being inconsistent about their goals. Why attempt to terrorize a school in broad daylight for an artifact? There could have been improvements, many better improvements to commit such a plan.

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