Chapter 5

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*Chapter 5*


Waking up to her touching me took me by surprise. I loved the feeling of her hands on me. I knew my wolf would come out and mark her if I was not careful. I wanted it to be when she was ready, not because I lost control. Leaving her had been hard for me. But I wanted her to know I was serious about not rushing her into anything. I knew that she was still grieving, and I would never add anything else on top of that. She needed to heal to move on and truly give us a chance.

I took a shower and got ready for the pack meeting. I would announce that Alli, Alex, and Macy would stay at the pack house with me. Alli had several of her enforcers guarding Alexander at all times. I knew that their presence would not go unnoticed. I knew there would be questions, so it was best to get ahead of them.

"I've called this meeting to inform you that Alpha Alli, her son, and her enforcer, Macy, will stay in the pack house. Several of her enforcers will be on the grounds as an extra precaution.

"Why are they here"?" One of my enforcers asked.

"Alpha Alli is my Mate," I said, letting that sink in before continuing.

"What about Sophia?' A friend of hers yelled out.

I chuckled, amused that her friends were trying to start trouble on her behalf.

"I'm going to answer that only because I want to make some things very clear to all of you." I paused.

"Sophia has always known she would never be Luna. She also knew that Alli was my Mate. I have never lied to her or misled her in any way. With that said, I will not address this again." I said, my eyes glowing in warning.

"I want all of you to give them the respect they deserve. There will be consequences for any of you who dare to cross Alli or upset her. Any attack on her is an attack on me, and I will make you pay with your life." I said, knowing that those words were true. With that, the meeting was over.

"How could you embarrass me like that? You act like I mean nothing to you," she yelled.

"I have never lied to you or given you any hope of a future with me. You embarrassed yourself. I always made it clear that I would never love you. I have affection for you, Sophia, but that is all it will ever be." I said, angry that she was acting this way.

"Disrespect me again, and I'll rip your throat out. Remember your place." I said, leaving her standing there stunned.

I was done with all the nonsense either Sophia got with the program, or I may have to let Macy have a go at her. The thought made me smile, and I realized that I had not let the fact that she had already disrespected Alli go yet.

She needed to learn a lesson, and Macy was the right person to teach it.


Today, Matthew was throwing a party introducing Alex, Macy, and me. I was a little nervous. I knew that a woman would be there, and I knew that she would start trouble. I wanted to avoid starting conflict for Matthew or his pack. This past week had flown by, and if I was honest, I felt so much better being here. Being close to Matthew had eased my pain so much. I was thinking clearly for the first time in weeks. I knew Matthew would try to keep me here, but I wasn't sure if that was something I wanted to do yet. I knew the pack was probably Team Sophia, but I could do nothing about that. I never asked to be here, but here I was, and I would make the most of it. No matter what his pack thought of me, I was an Alpha. They had better respect me, or I would make them. I was done being nice. I was born to lead, and pregnant or not, I would make sure they all knew it.

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