The beggining

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Mia starts packing her bags as she is going to go to her friends house she finds herself some pjs and clean clothes.She cant wait to see choso as she has a small crush on him she finds him hot,as mia finishes packing her bags she turns of the lights in her apartment and locks the door.She clicks the elevator button and steps in the elevator.She becomes nervous what is choso going to say?what if my outfit is to revealing?anyways the elevator arrives she goes out of the elevator and calls a taxi.mia waits for the taxi in rain taking deep breaths
She never thought she is like this..she is always happy and extroverted now she is anxious and nervous.The taxi arrives after 10 long minutes mia:hello! Taxi driver:hello are you mia? Mia:yes that me .taxi driver:okay mia i will now be taking you to your destination     Mia:yes that would be very nice thank you...mia stares thro the window and watches the teardrops fall from the sky ..there are only cars on the streets mia seems bored hoping to find some people thru the window suddenly...

Chooso Kamo sleepover as friends Where stories live. Discover now