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As Shawn turned to her "shut up." he told her "yeah, no, no, I just kind of used to work here." Robby shared, as Shawn and Sam turned and looked at him "really, when?" Sam asked him "yeah, I've never seen you here." Shawn shared "a couple days last summer. I wasn't a great fit." Robby shared, as Shawn put his arm around him "well, now your here as a guest, not a worker. And with me as your guide, you'll have a great time!" he voiced, walking off, as Sam followed after them.

The three then found their spot, as they were laying in the sun, Shawn and Robby had their shirts off, Sam looked up at the balcony, seeing Aisha, Shawn was waving at the group of girls nearby who were staring at him and Robby, the girls laughed as they waved back at him "what's going on?" Robby asked Sam "it's Aisha. We haven't spoken since everything that went down at valley fest. I think we should clear the air, but at the same time, I'm still pissed at them for runing our performance." Sam shared.

Shawn turned back to them "were at the beach and your still finding a way to talk about karate?" he asked her "well, if she goes and talks to her and a fight breaks out, we can record it." Robby shared "yeah and get ourselves kicked out of here. What you two really need is a drink." Shawn shared, as he got up from his seat, he put his shoes on, as he grabbed his shirt, throwing it on, he left it unbuttoned, as he turned walking away from them and toward's the stairs, heading up to the top and over to the bar, pulling money out of his pocket "three frozen margarita's." he told the bartender, putting the money down.

The man took it as he nodded, and went to start making them, Shawn didn't notice Tory standing to his right, who had been waiting to steal a bottle from the bar but when he had walked up, she found her eyes going over to him, and having heard him talk about drinks, she stepped toward's him "so, three margarita's? Those for all those girls you were flirting with down at the pool?" she asked him, and as she did, Shawn smiled as he lifted his sunglasses up and looked to her "they're actually for my uptight sister and very stressed out friend but I'm starting to think they aren't going to drink them with me so possibly." he shared.

Looking back at the bartender, Tory chuckled "your not gonna ask me why I'm here?" she asked him, as Shawn looked back to her "well, I'm trying to do this new thing where I don't talk trash about people because last time I did, that's how I got my arm broken." he shared "ah! I see!" Tory voiced, as Shawn nodded "yeah." he told her, looking away from her again and when he did, his shirt moved with him, and when it did, Tory found herself looking at his six pack.

The bartender then put the margaritas down, and as he did, Shawn grabbed one and turned looking at Tory "here." he told her, holding the margarita out to her, Tory lifted her head up, looking at his outstretched hand, she didn't expect that "your giving it to me?" she asked "yeah, you seem like you'd enjoy it more." Shawn shared "thanks but um, can I maybe get the other one two? Cause I came here with Aisha and I would feel rude if I didn't.." Tory shared "yeah!" Shawn voiced, as he turned, grabbing the two, he held one of the cups out to Tory as she took it.

Shawn then motioned to the bartender "and if you want refills just make sure he's the bartender, because he's kind of become my guy here and will make sure you don't get in trouble for drinking, so.." he shared, taking a sip of his, he smiled at her "I'll see you around." he told her, turning around and walking off, and as he did, Tory turned and began walking back to Aisha "hey! Your not gonna believe what just happened to me!" she voiced "where'd you get those?" Aisha asked her "I ran into the Shawn LaRusso at the bar and he gave me these." Tory shared.

As Aisha raised her brows "Shawn?" she asked, having not expected that from him, seeing as last time she saw him drunk, he offered her a drink but quickly rejected it and laughed at her cause she didn't drink "yeah and he basically told me that if we wanted refills it was on him. And that nobody will even notice if we have a little fun." Tory shared, as Aisha smirked "my brother's not exactly the smartest guy. He likes to break the rules and unlike him you'll get into real trouble." Sam shared, as Tory looked to her and chuckled "now I see why your brother decided against giving you a drink." she shared.

Lonely heart, Tory Nichols Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum