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Chapter six

"Working on moving forward."

Shawn and has dad were then sparring with each other, as they were wearing workout clothes, Shawn threw a punch and his dad blocked it, as he chuckled "you've gotten slow on me." he told him, as Shawn raised his brows "yeah? Maybe it's just the fact that I don't want to hurt you in your old age." he told him, as he spun around kicking his foot out and when he did, his dad caught it, causing Shawn to fall down as he hit the floor "nope, your right, Im slow.." he told him, wincing in pain, as his dad then held his hand out, Shawn took it as he helped him up "you also got your ass kicked. You'll get better." his dad told him, as he hit him in the shoulder.

The two walked over, grabbing their towels and wiping their sweat off, they then grabbed their water bottles and when they were done, the two then grabbed their hoodies, putting them on as they turned walking out, and as they did, the found Sam lounging by the pool on her computer "hey, what's going on? You going for a swim? You gonna invite the girls over?" their dad asked, as the two walked up to her, Sam shut her laptop "nah, not today." she shared "great, you wanna come spare with me and your brother?" their dad asked "karate?" Sam asked as she furrowed her brows.

Shawn huffed "dad, thinks that it will help bring us closer again, although all it has done is show me that I know how to get knocked on my ass." he shared "well yeah, you haven't exactly done karate since eight year ago. Of course you're slow." Sam shared "eight years ago isn't that long." their dad shared "eight years ago we were eight. And Shawn didn't have to counter for his extra height, he just.." Sam was sharing, as their dad nodded "was quick and fast, yes, Mr Miyagi said that." he shared "and now I'm just slow. Thanks." Shawn shared, as he turned walking inside.

And when he did, his mom looked at him "so how's karate going?" she asked, as Shawn huffed "well, it's not exactly like riding a bike. Dad keeps knocking on my ass, which I think is some form of payback for how I acted but I guess we're not yelling at each other anymore so that's good." he shared "yeah, but if your taking a break from karate how about you go check on.." her mom was telling him, as she motioned behind him, Shawn turned around and saw Anthony sitting on the couch playing his video games, he sighed "okay." he said, as he began walking toward's him.

"So, how about you and me, take sometime away from the game system and me and you go and shoot some hoops on the court outside, huh?" he asked, as Anthony leaned forward and didn't even take his hands off the game system to drink his soda "basketballs boring. It's your thing not mine." he shared, as he leaned back onto the couch, Shawn sighed, as he leaned over to him "well, when you get older and you get to my age.." he was telling him, as he grabbed the game system from him "you'll thank me for this." he told him, as he held it above his head "hey!" Anthony voiced.

"I told you to stop with the video games! At this rate, you'll have no friends and the only people who will want to be friends with you are people who are gonna use you for mine and dad's reputations and I won't have it!" Shawn voiced, as Anthony rolled his eyes "Alexa, order a new PS vita." he said, and when he did, Shawn ran and found Alex unplugging it before the order could go through, he turned looking at his brother "this?" he asked, waving the game system "is being locked away in my room." he told him, as he turned walking off, Anthony groaned as he leaned back into the couch, while their mom smirked.

The next day, Shawn was walking in the school hallway, wearing his sunglasses to cover up his black eye as he headed down the stairs, he turned right to head to class, but then stopped in his tracks as Miguel was standing a few feet in front of him with one of his friends, he walked toward's them and stepped around them, acting like they weren't even there, in which Miguel and his friend Demetri turned around and watched him walk off "okay, when I say nobody's gonna mess with you, I mean Kyler and them cause Shawn LaRusso? He's just gonna pretend like you don't exist cause no matter what you do, he was still be king." Demetri shared, as the two turned back around, continuing to walk down the hallway themselves.

The next day, Shawn had walked into the dealership and got right to work as his head was under the hood of a car, as he was fixing the battery, as Travis walked up to him laughing "well you missed a lot." he shared "oh yeah? Like what?" he asked him "well, for starters they have this new helper at the dealership named Robby and today he started up a car in the dealership, which is why your parents not only gave a discount but also put a discount on us which means we are not getting paid our usual today." Travis shared, as Shawn huffed "seriously?" he asked "yep. So no need to work extra late tonight it would just be a waste." Travis shared, as Shawn moved his head out from under the hood "thanks." he told him, as he shut it

That night, Shawn was out back with his dad as the two were practicing their movements opposed to sparring, as they then saw someone walk in from the reflection in the glass "hey. Robby?" Shawn's dad asked, as he turned around, so did Shawn, seeing the boy "did..did you sense that I was here?" Robby asked, as Shawn's dad walked toward's him "no the reflection. But beware he can sense when you're being a dick." Shawn told him, making Robby chuckle as held a folder out to his dad "uh, here's the sales report you asked for." he said, as Shawn's dad took it, Shawn furrowed his brows "sales report?" he asked, walking toward's them.

His dad turned to him "yeah, this is, um, this is good stuff. Very important." he shared, pulling out what was in the folder and it happened to be a dirty magazine, as he showed it to Shawn, Shawn furrowed his brows, clearing his throat "you didn't happen to show this to anyone else, right?" he asked him "no. Your eyes only." Robby said "that's good because if this information got into the wrong hands our dealership would be toast." Shawn shared, as his dad turned the package around showing it too Robby "damn it, Louie." Robby said, as Shawn's dad put the magazine back in the folder and handing it to Robby "that one's on you pal. Next time you outsmart the dope." he told him.

"Yeah and preferably with snacks or talks about how one of the women want you to sell them a car, they believe it and either there are no snacks or the women run in the opposite direction of them." Shawn shared "yeah. Fool me once, right?" Robby asked, chuckling "that karate you two were doing..where's the punching?" he asked "well, karate isn't all punching and kicking. It's actually more about balance." Shawn's dad shared "that didn't even really look like karate." Robby mentioned "well, blueprints don't actually look like cars either, do they?" Shawn's dad asked, as Robby furrowed his brows "what do you mean?" he asked.

"What we were doing is called cata. It's not karate itself but it's the foundation of it." Shawn shared "it's cool." Robby told them, and when he did, Shawn raised his brows as he looked to his dad, his dad motioned toward's him, as Shawn looked back at Robby "well, if you'd like to, we can teach you a thing or two?" he asked "sure." Robby told them "alright." Shawn's dad said, as he looked between the two of them.

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