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Chapter one

"A jam packed summer." 

There was only a few days left of summer before school started up again, and let's just Shawn LaRusso's had been a fun one, seeing as he spent his time at the country club with his friends or even at home just lounging by the pool and drinking, spent sometime playing video games with his brother late into the evening, was with his girlfriend Yasmine although they had broken up at least three times over the summer, yet every time they got back together it always ended up with Yasmine apologizing and her kissing him, where the two would fall back into bed with each other.

But yet the one thing that was constant for him, no matter if school was running or not was basketball, where if he didn't have a game or practice after school, he would practice out on the court at his house putting his all into it just like he did when he learned karate as a kid, which was why right now, he was standing in the school gymnasium in his basketball uniform even though basketball practice had ended awhile ago, he was still there with a whole rack of basketballs behind him shooting free throws and getting it in the basket each time.

As his coach came walking back into the gymnasium "yo, LaRusso, you've been pushing yourself a lot this summer and as team captain I appreciate the initiative but kid you only have a few days left before school actually starts, how about you pack it up for the night and head home, go hangout with your friends." he shared, and when he did, Shawn shot one last basket and turned to him "you sure coach?" he asked him, and when he did, his coach nodded, as Shawn walked forward, grabbing the basketball and dribbling it over to the rack as he put it on it, he turned running to the locker room.

Walking in, he took off his jersey and walked over to his locker, opening it, he tossed the jersey inside of it as he then grabbed his phone checking his texts, and the first one made him huff "you've gotta be kidding me." he said, as it was a text from Yasmine, seeing as earlier this week, she had broken up with him again, which makes it four times this summer, although if you counted up the years before that he wouldn't even be able to give you a number of how many times this happened to him, as it was a text from her begging for him to talk to her, seeing as she had been texting him all day about this and he was choosing not to answer her.

And right now, he was gonna do it either, as he huffed, going into his group chat with his friends and began texting the guys, telling them that they should meet up at the mini mart where they don't get carded and get some booze and just get fucked up before the school year started, cause when it did, his schedule would become so full between school work, basketball and working at the family dealership fixing cars he wouldn't have anytime to hang out.

And as he sent the messagee went to put his phone in his locker and grab his towel but when he did, his phone then dinged as he looked at it, it was text from Moon who always was there for him whenever Yasmine broke up with him even though she was Yasmine's best friend, where it was her texting him that she was hoping that he was okay, in which Shawn texted her back telling her that he's been so busy with basketball that he hasn't even been thinking about the breakup although he would be lying and it seemed Moon knew to cause he sent that text she quickly sent back liar and how she knows he'll get through it, in which the last thing Shawn texted her was thanks as he then put his phone back in his locker and grabbed his towel, throwing it over his shoulder as he turned heading to the showers.

Having left the school, Shawn was driving in his truck, his phone kept dinging and he knew exactly who the messages were from without even looking at it, it was Yasmine, who never liked it when Shawn ignored her, seeing as she was always used to being in control, yet Shawn was always the one person who made her feel out of control which is probably why they broke up so much, they were toxic, parking his car, he was right next to Kyler and the guys "yo, Shawn, what's up my man!" Kyler voiced, as Shawn got out of his truck, he walked toward's the sidewalk as Kyler and the guys got out of his jeep.

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