The green that i missed

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Your eyes were the most beautiful movie I watched without knowing the ending.

Even if I was on the verge of death, you were on my mind

But I realized it's all in vain, I was never on your mind

Loving alone is not enough

I was imprisoned in those forest eyes

You even closed the doors of the prison to which I came voluntarily.

As I approached you, you ran away as if we were enemies

Mine was just a love from the heart. 

Don't be afraid to be loved so much.

Although who cares about being loved?

If even you can't see me melting away

If you can't even hear my tears

If your heart is deaf to the songs of my love

You press on my sore wound just to make it bleed and break more

Maybe you don't love me

Maybe my naive heart seemed weak to you

Maybe I was just a toy for you

Although you weren't like this my dear heaven, you have changed a lot

The girl whose green eyes I miss

Do you really hate me that much?

Is that why you are uncomfortable with my love, even if it is one-sided?

You're really uncomfortable with me even loving you.

Don't do it my heavenly eyes

Don't drive me away from these lands, my home was your eyes

Never mind though,if you're not here this life would be hell for me

I'm away from you now, bravo

You've done it, now I'm expelled from heaven, thanks to you

Only streams flow from my loving eyes in your absence.

Was it a crime to miss?

love is one sided 

Like a mother loving her child unconditionally wholeheartedly, 

innocently and without any expectations without a single benefit just love

To be able to love unconditionally, untimely and without ending, even if you don't.

To be able to love even if you spew hatred with your tears

Just like fire (love) and wind (distance)

Love is like fire, distance is like wind.If the fire is small; The wind extinguishes it easily. If it is big; enlarges and enlarges

This is my love, it's like a big fire, distances make this fire bigger.

I've become afraid of loving you

I wake up thinking I'm going to lose

I'm afraid you'll keep running away from my love

Why are people afraid of being loved so much?

You burn my heart like an ember 

If you hold the ember it will burn your hand

If you let it go, it will burn the place where it falls

You left it on my heart, my heart is burning

I was willing to burn so that your hands wouldn't burn.

But you even turned to this and without looking back

Without even saying goodbye, silently and with tears

You burnt  my heart

Maybe your heart is burnt too

Don't be afraid, my angel face

Be brave but don't leave me without you

I miss your eyes my angel ,I miss the green of your eyes

Seeing heaven and finding peace every time I look at you

My angel, sometimes I get angry and sometimes I get upset and I miss you so much.

Maybe we will never meet,

Maybe  I'll burn with the ember you left

Maybe it will always be one-sided

I guess I couldn't make you love me

But I loved loving you though

Poem in the green of her eyesWhere stories live. Discover now